Donut-Shaped Earth

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Donut-Shaped Earth
« on: May 01, 2012, 09:15:16 AM »
I was wondering how a theory like FE theory gets formed, and I came to the conclusion that someone must've thought of the original idea, and then it must've been followed by a long series of people pointing out flaws and then re-adjusting the theory (or thinking of new ideas) to iron out the flaws in the theory.

So, I thought it might be fun if we emulated that here.

I will state my theory, and then we can adjust it by pointing out flaws and seeing if we can think of arguments that will counteract these flaws.

I have a theory that the Earth is in fact shaped like a torus (a donut-shape). However, light is curved so we cannot tell.

I will add an FAQ to this topic, which will document any flaws and solutions discussed in this thread.

Now, discuss!

Wherever you see TE, it means Torus-Earth.


Q1. Why has the hole in the centre of the torus not been discovered?

A. Light bends and follows the curvature of the torus, making the hole "unseeable".

Q2. If light is curved so that we can't tell, then why would anyone suspect that the earth is shaped like a torus?

A. Logically, it is possible for a torus-shaped planet to form (see Q6), so we cannot rule out the possibility that the Earth is shaped like a torus, and therefore the hypothesis must be considered as a potential model.

Q3. How does the light curve?

A. Radio waves are reflected by the atmosphere (hence why we don't need to set up several towers to transmit radio waves across very long distances). Light waves are also reflected in a similar way. When we look across, the light diminishes as it travels, and by the time it reaches the atmosphere, it is diminished enough to be reflected. The light will then hit another corner of atmosphere and so on and so forth, curving every time. This gives the impression that the Earth is flat (or has a slight curvature).

Q4. So how come I can look up and see the stars? Wouldn't the light be reflected back at me?

A. When you look up, you are decreasing the amount of distance the light travels to reach the atmosphere, so it diminishes less. In these cases, it is not diminished enough to be reflected by the atmosphere, and hence we can see the stars.

Q5. Ah, so if I stand on the surface in the middle of the TE and look up, why can't I see the opposite side of the torus?

A. When you stand in the middle of the TE and look up, the light passes through the first atmosphere it reaches. However, by the time it reaches the second atmosphere (the one to re-enter the atmosphere of the TE) it has diminished enough to be reflected, and gets reflected into space, so you see space.

Q6. Why have no Arctic explorers "fallen" into the hole?

A. Gravity acts as it does in a RE model, and people are attracted to large masses. Imagine a donut. Imagine a jam donut. Gravity acts towards the jam.

Q7. How do we have night and day?

A. Lay a torch horizontal on a table and turn it on. Now, get a donut and place it on it's side, with the hole perpendicular to the torch. The side that is illuminated by the torch is in day. Over 24 hours, the donut performs one complete revolution. Spin it half way around, this signifies the passing of 12 hours. Now, the side that WAS in day, is facing away from the torch and is in night. The side that WAS in night, is now facing the torch and is in day.

Q8. How do we have seasons?

A. In the same way that the RE does. The Earth does not follow a perfectly circular orbit, it is slightly elliptical. Also, the ellipse is slightly shifted so that one of the shorter edges is closer to the Sun than the opposite edge. Over 1 year, it completes one orbit. Say the Earth starts on the short side closest to the Sun. This is summer (the hottest season for obvious reasons). 3 months later (one quarter of an orbit) it goes to one of the longer sides, and is slightly further away, entering autumn. Another 3 months and it is at the point where it is furthest away, in the middle of winter. Another 3 months and it's a bit closer and we're in spring. A further 3 months and we're back where we started!

Q9. How was the TE formed?

A. It is possible for two objects to orbit each other (google binary stars). This means that you have two objects moving around in an orbit, but there is nothing in the centre of the orbit (as their own masses provide the weight for the centripetal force of Gravity, which causes them to move in a circular-ish motion. Now, it is also possible to have 3 objects orbiting each other, or 4, or 5 etc. Now, the TE was formed when a large amount of objects orbited each other like this. As time went on, their gravity pulled in more space rocks and dust etc and the shape grew, eventually becoming a fully-formed torus.

Q10. Why do we not know of any other torus-shaped planets?

A. This is because the condition for a TE to form (several objects orbiting each other rather than a large mass in the middle) is quite unlikely to occur, and becomes much more unlikely each time more objects are required in the orbit. This makes torus-shaped planets very rare, and so far we are yet to discover another one.

Q11. Where are the North and South poles in this model?

A. Place your donut on it's side. The side that touches the table is the south pole, the side on the other side is the north pole.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 10:30:47 AM by Varaug »



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 09:32:28 AM »
There's an FAQ?

I think this theory was formed when someone looked out their window.
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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2012, 09:32:59 AM »
this is an interesting thoery, but no northern "hole" has been discovered. just as no giant continuos ice wall, so we must assume its an enless plane until these have been verified.

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2012, 09:34:40 AM »
But the northern hole hasn't been discovered because light travels across the surface of the torus :)

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2012, 09:43:26 AM »
what keeps Arctic explorers from falling in this hole?

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2012, 09:47:56 AM »
Here, gravity acts as it does in a RE model (so will pull everyone towards the inside of the torus - not the hole (this counts as outside)).

Don't know if I've explained that very well. Imagine a donut. Now imagine a donut with jam in. Gravity acts towards the jam.

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2012, 09:50:49 AM »
so the Earth is a JAM-filled donut?

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2012, 09:52:51 AM »
Mmmm, I wish!

But no, the jam was merely an abstract idea to help me explain which direction gravity acts.

Because gravity is strongest for larger masses, people will be pulled towards the ground (or if the Earth WAS a jam-filled donut, towards the jam! :D)



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2012, 09:54:41 AM »
My first instinct was to move this thread to Complete Nonsense simply because of its title (we get lots of joke threads about Earth's shape).  However, I think that the content of your post may have merit and will eventually show that Flat Earth Theory is not just an assortment of special pleadings and logical fallacies.  I doubt the Torus Earth Theory will be able to provide as much raw evidence and empirical data as the Flat Earth Theory does, but let's see.

So let's try and keep this thread serious and on-topic.

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2012, 09:57:05 AM »
So how do you account for explorers who have reached the middle of the disc?
How do they overcome theoretical gravity?

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2012, 10:02:05 AM »
Unless I am picturing this wrong, I do not feel like I need to account for any.

Let me explain:

Picture the Earth as a flat square. Everything on the Earth, is on this square (imagine that if you walked off one edge of the square, you would arrive at the opposite edge seamlessly).

Now, this square can be rolled into a cylinder, and curved into a torus.

Essentially everything is on the square, and there is no "edge" where you can walk off (as you will be wrapped to the other side - which is exactly what happens once it is rolled into a torus).

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2012, 10:18:45 AM »
So, kind of like a Rhombus Strip?
Can you show us a map concept?

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2012, 10:20:30 AM »
I am going to try to render a torus shaped Earth as soon as I can. I have to go now though, but continue the discussion while I'm gone :D



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2012, 10:48:29 AM »
I was wondering how a theory like FE theory gets formed, and I came to the conclusion that someone must've thought of the original idea, and then it must've been followed by a long series of people pointing out flaws and then re-adjusting the theory (or thinking of new ideas) to iron out the flaws in the theory.

The original idea for FET was most likely formed by the simple observation that the earth, at least locally, looks flat with a celestial dome above.  If you belong to a primitive culture where day to day survival is your primary concern, then that's probably about as much thought that you give the subject.  It's not until you become a more sophisticated and better traveled culture that you begin to develop a bigger world view.

As for modern FET...   Well, from what I've seen, not very many of the flaws have been ironed out.

I have a theory that the Earth is in fact shaped like a torus (a donut-shape). However, light is curved so we cannot tell.

If light is curved so that we can't tell, then why would anyone suspect that the earth is shaped like a torus?
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
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Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2012, 12:21:23 PM »
I was wondering how a theory like FE theory gets formed, and I came to the conclusion that someone must've thought of the original idea, and then it must've been followed by a long series of people pointing out flaws and then re-adjusting the theory (or thinking of new ideas) to iron out the flaws in the theory.

Actually what you just described is how the Spherical-Earth theory was formed. People have known the earth was flat since the beginning of time as it is clearly described flat and in The Bible. It wasn't until "free-thinkers" came along and were confused by simple tricks of perception.
Disclaimer: I am confused. Everything I say is speculative and not admissible in a court of law; however, I am neither insane nor a threat to myself or others. I am simply curious about everything in life and enjoy talking about crazy shit. Oh, & btw I like turtles.



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #15 on: May 01, 2012, 09:29:52 PM »
unfortunately the bible wasnt written at the begining of time... but anyway

can anybody recall new earth talking about paradise at the north pole? perhaps this thread is onto something. Varaug you dont work for NASA do you and you are leaking the truth by any chance?

so this concept true earth of yours; does it have an underside? is that where the south pole resides? also does the earth orbit the sun?

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #16 on: May 02, 2012, 10:38:05 AM »
I have done a big update to the FAQ in the first post.

Please re-read it, your questions (and more) have been answered :)

Keep discussing :D

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #17 on: May 02, 2012, 10:57:44 AM »
can you show us a crude, even hand drawn map with the coninents, including the north and south pole?

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #18 on: May 02, 2012, 11:08:26 AM »
I have been working on one (just on paper and folding) but my drawing skills are awful. I will sort a proper one when I have a bit more time on my hands, but it is actually looking very feasible :P


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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2012, 05:10:11 PM »
This is actually a variation of concave earth theory... concave earth is is one of the 3 prime shapes that the earth can form in a holographic universe.

I didn't elude to this when I divulged all of the Omniverse material last year for it is but one of the tertiary forms of the 3 prime codes flat concave, convex...

The contemporary concave earth theory uses a Torus to model itself...

The Torus hole is however included as part of the space within a hollow sphere the singularity or exponential shrink zone of non-Euclid (curved; torsion) space.

Where as what Varaug has articulated is one of the seven potential forms of earth derived by holographic principles of toroidal physics.
From the Omniverse thread (see the globe-link under my avatar to the left)

2.1 The Tetra Dimensional Torus of Existence & Omnified Cosmologies

As of 24/02/11 it has been announced by the International Science Grid that NASA has a mathematician Grigor Aslanyan, a doctoral student at the University of California at San Diego who is solving data that suggests the universe is a torus - see Grigor Aslanyan: Universal Torus.

A Double Torus

The torus field of a cosmos is double because reality is polarity based.

It is believed the dimensions of a Torus could be arranged in 3 different variations.

a. Infinite in 1 dimension and finite in 2.
b. Finite in 1 dimension and Infinite in 2.
c. Finite in all 3

If a torus becomes infinite in all 3 dimensions it is no longer a torus and instead collapses back into the transcendent semi-formlessness of the 4D Hypersphere to which it is the infinitesimal potential of (in 3D space). I feel that this is actually happening in every moment at an unfathomable rate. Thus producing the heart beat of the cosmos which governs the rate of implosion

There are however actually 7 variations.

Here is the table of finite/infinite variations of dimensions:

key: e = envelope
v = volume
s = singularity
I = infinite
f = finite
Va = variation a-g

Va (e) (v) (s)

a ... I .. I .. f
b ... f .. I .. I

c ... I .. f .. f
d ... f .. f .. I

e ... I .. f .. I
f … f .. I .. f

g ... f .. f .. f

The following link is another rendition of the Omniverse thread with further posts, see the 5th one to get acquainted with all the variations in detail.

Essentially the way I see this "Torus-Earth" (variation of concave earth) model is that stars and the cosmos all shrink into the "jam filling area" or the central ring within the torus.. i.e. if you extend a line down the middle of the cylinder before rolling it up into a donut, then that line becomes the central ring.

Now to just be clear on the variations...

We have 3 prime codes; flat, convex, concave.. and with each variation of the 7 Infinite/Finitism's  a-g codes there may be anywhere from 1 to all 3 of the prime shapes which can utilise any given of the I/F a-g codes...

In my own brain storming I think there were about 18 different shapes I came up with intialy but I know there are more which I just couldn't be bothered to figure out at the time as its not that important to understand all of them when th eemediate perception of the earth is all that matters - tho "shapes" can also be definitions of how space behaves inside a concave space or outside a convex earth or above or below the flat disk/ infinite plate and or how the earth can expand over time into various non-euclidean ratios and dimensions.

I think from memory there were 5 concave variations this one being one of them - I really am surprised that some one has posted it here as I thought it was a pretty unusual anomaly and absurdist even to discus like cube earth lol.. - then there were 7 convex and 7 flat... all utilising the curving torsion at different angles to produce different optical illusions that change the internalised perceptuial orientation of the earth's and or the stars shape/size

With the concave specifically it can be finite in all Cyrus r Teed's cellular cosmogony proposed. Or it can be this enclosed donut shape model or the Geocosmos concave theory as described early where the donut hole is part of the inner space of a hollow sphere like singularity. That makes 3 prime types for Concave... then throw into the mix the expanding earth aspect and you have a hollow earth which grows with a space inside that may or may not be growing as well - so that 2-fold variable or 3-fold when including the non existence of it i.e. a non growing earth, can be applied to all 3 concave models.

The finite earth which does not expand is 3D dimensional or 3rd density (lowest aetheric dimension - gross material under limitation of the thermodynamic side of physics) and that as inferred can apply to the donut earth in the OP or Cyrus model and the standard Geocosmos...

And the expanding earth ones are 4th/5th dimensional earth's which are taping into or fully anchored into the Cryodymnamic unlimited world view. where the worlds crust expands (potentially infinitely) over time, yet it is not an infinite sphere because an infinite sphere is infinite in all moments which means it has no shape and does not grow - it is total, thus it is not a sphere. The infinite plane is the only possible tangible realm that can utilise infinite endlessness of eternity in the 5th dimension+.

Knowledge gained via academic means and intelligence are not mutually inclusive. Those who assume authority and superiority over conventionally uneducated persons would be wiser to keep this in mind.

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2016, 05:40:04 PM »
Sorry, I'm reviving an old post, but I didn't see anyone mention this.  The Earth isn't just what we can see.  Remember, what our eyes see is but a fraction of a percent of the entire EM spectrum.  If one takes the full EM spectrum into acount, not only is the Earth clearly a torus, even from space, but it's a double torus!

Pictures for reference.

Why would we choose ignorance, and limit ourselves to only what our eyes can see?  Do we not believe in the air we breath because our eyes don't perceive it?



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2016, 10:51:05 PM »
I was wondering how a theory like FE theory gets formed, and I came to the conclusion that someone must've thought of the original idea, and then it must've been followed by a long series of people pointing out flaws and then re-adjusting the theory (or thinking of new ideas) to iron out the flaws in the theory.

Actually what you just described is how the Spherical-Earth theory was formed. People have known the earth was flat since the beginning of time as it is clearly described flat and in The Bible. It wasn't until "free-thinkers" came along and were confused by simple tricks of perception.
I really think you need to study your church history a bit.  From somewhere like 100-200 AD the Roman Catholic Church (and there wasn't much else, apart from Orthodox and some Coptic) till the reformation the Globe earth was accepted, (though in the early years there were some dissenting "theologians").  Till somewhat after the Reformation the accepted model was of a stationary earth (Geocentric Universe).
I'll leave it at that for now.

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2016, 03:01:02 PM »
I am glad to see other supporters of toroidal earth theory here. I have been promoting it for a long time but nobody ever seems to back me up. I can't understand why.
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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2018, 08:20:22 AM »
I'm sorry, but just because somebody comes up with a "new" shape of the earth, it has no bearing on what I understand its shape to be. Keep your day job.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2018, 08:22:58 AM by blnjms »



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2018, 08:56:56 AM »
Are you on a mission, blnjms? A mission to find all of the old and dead donut Earth threads, and breathe new life into them so we can help spread the toroidal world word?

Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2018, 10:48:39 AM »
The disk maps for FE are hilarious, what happens when you follow a compass, distances and sizes horribly wrong, some of them you sail west from San Francisco and you end up in a very different place than when you do that in real life. In the end, all FE/non-spherical maps have to make a choice of explaining why everything is wrong direction and distance on their map - either airlines and ships do not actually go the direction and speed they say, or they aren't finished working it out.

I flew from Sydney Australia to LA in the time the schedule said. I have never seen a FE map that had the distance from Sydney to LA within the range of any airliner. Perhaps the toroid can explain this, I am waiting to see it. I can't imagine putting the land masses on a toroid in any way that would make sense out of airline routes and schedules, especially Sydney to LA. Should be fascinating.

Bendy light? how do we know where anything is? Why don't cars crash all the time? When you have experiments and equations to show such bendy light and how it make a toroid look like a sphere, let me know.
Is it possible for something to be both true and unproven?

Are things that are true and proven any different from things that are true but not proven?



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2018, 01:55:16 PM »
Are you on a mission, blnjms? A mission to find all of the old and dead donut Earth threads, and breathe new life into them so we can help spread the toroidal world word?

I was in such shock about the idea--that someone would come up with it--that I reacted. I'd rather this idea gets a proper disposal and I will never bring it up again.



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #27 on: December 08, 2018, 07:18:09 AM »
Are you on a mission, blnjms? A mission to find all of the old and dead donut Earth threads, and breathe new life into them so we can help spread the toroidal world word?

I was in such shock about the idea--that someone would come up with it--that I reacted. I'd rather this idea gets a proper disposal and I will never bring it up again.

Why did you resurrect this thread again? It's because you want to make sure everyone keeps thinking about Donut Earth Theory, isn't it?

I do believe you have become the forum's preeminent Donut Earth Theorist!



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Re: Donut-Shaped Earth
« Reply #28 on: December 08, 2018, 07:29:34 AM »
Are you on a mission, blnjms? A mission to find all of the old and dead donut Earth threads, and breathe new life into them so we can help spread the toroidal world word?

I was in such shock about the idea--that someone would come up with it--that I reacted. I'd rather this idea gets a proper disposal and I will never bring it up again.

Why did you resurrect this thread again? It's because you want to make sure everyone keeps thinking about Donut Earth Theory, isn't it?

I do believe you have become the forum's preeminent Donut Earth Theorist!

Minus all the other issues, at least the shape wouldn't collapse into a sphere as a result of gravity.
Rabinoz RIP

That would put you in the same category as pedophile perverts like John Davis, NSS, robots like Stash, Shifter, and victimized kids like Alexey.



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