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Messages - biohazard

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There is a third possibility, it was caused by a virus that was passed on from animals to humans.

This is a strong possibility.

I'd appreciate it if we kept the anti-vax stuff contained in another thread.

It's my personal opinion that Vaccines do far more good than harm.

Ohahah. Harward. The world's most comedy univercity. >I remember a harward professor told there aren't chemtrails exist. This is a real page of harward, they claims chemtrails aren't exist and only a conspiracy.

I have asked him via mail that "What you mean conspiracy? Aren't you throwing medicines into swamps from the plane to kill mosquitoes? Is not it a kind of chemtrails?". He never replied me.  ;D

I'd also appreciate it if we kept chemtrail discussion contained in another thread.

Thank you for coming up here and informing us. this was not necessary. There really was no need for this. You can continue but this will be just waste of time for you.

It is my genuine pleasure.

I have no evidence for my opinions. They are merely my assumptions which you should consider as just assumptions.

These links are interesting.
Clicking them won't hurt your device but I respect your OPSEC.

This is a useful link to deny news sites clicks or read an article without visiting a site.

Also, it may be a better tactic to let the virus spread though the global population and just treat the symptoms so that no one dies. This is how most flu's are handled, with only vulnerable people being vaccinated.

Look at the official numbers.
10-20% of patients develop pneumonia.

Wuhan has ran out of hospital beds.

What happens to untreated pneumonia?

This doctor is very competent and is trying to tell the truth while avoiding causing a panic.

You might enjoy his videos.

Getting people all excited over conspiracy theories

Please cite what you believe to be "conspiracy theories" in the information I've presented.

If there is no evidence to back them I will remove them.
You did not necessarily give conspiracy theories, and I actually agree with your efforts to inform people.

Ok thanks.

I agree with you that we should limit panic. It will cause more harm than good.

Thanks wise, you just caused more people to die!

That's disgusting and unnecessary.
We are merely having a discussion about our opinions.
Isn't this a flat earth website?

You might enjoy this wise.

This is very interesting but it hasn't been peer reviewed. It looks like South East Asians males especially may have a genetic weakness to this virus at least catching it.
""Second, there was a much great difference in the frequency of distribution of ACE2 variants among different racial and ethnic lines.[19,28] For instance, the T allele frequencies of rs2285666 were 40.1% in Chinese Han, 32.4% in Chinese Dongxiang, 22.0% in Anglo Celtic.[19,31]""

Wikipedia cites ACE2 as the entry point for nCoV

Its my personal opinion that this was a virus used for study into vaccines (possibly biological warfare) that escaoed the lab due to lax lab practices.

There's a conspiracy theory. But it's only my opinion.

Again, in my persobal opinion nothing else explains China's reaction to what people are trying to claim is "just another flu."

People have had success treating nCoV with anti viral HIV medication.
Which is interesting.

We can only treat the symptoms of a Virus and let our anti-bodies take care of the rest. The treatment isn't a cure. Only a Vaccine will stop the spread of this.

I agree that eventually there will be mandatory vaccinations for this disease as we have mandatory vaccinations for other infectious diseases.

You're a smart guy wise.

I trust Melbourn doctors. They are on it.

Western scientists are the best in the world by a large degree. Even they say that a vaccine will take three months minimum to develop and around 1 year to mass produce.

Let's cut that in half to be liberal.
Six months without a vaccine and that's if the virus doesn't mutate.

I'm very hopeful we can beat this but it might get pretty bad before we get on top of things.

Even the economic impact of isolating China are likely to be devastating. That's why the WHO still recommends normal travel and trade.

I really do hope we can beat this.
I want people to be prepared.

I understand and empathise with our cyber magicians using the art of deception to keep people calm.

Mr NaySayer is correct, a mass panic would do more harm than good but I have a moral obligation to tell the truth.

I have no motive for telling you this except a genuine love for the truth.

And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

Getting people all excited over conspiracy theories

Please cite what you believe to be "conspiracy theories" in the information I've presented.

If there is no evidence to back them I will remove them.

Im confused, you say you cant trust China, but then say the "By the official numbers NCoV is around 40x more deadly than the flu. It's also more infectious" Official from who? China?

If 20 000 people are known to be effected and it has killed 400 people then it kills 2% of the infected.

Correct official Chinese numbers.
China is suffering from the epidemic currently.
The Spanish flu had a mortality rate of 2-3%

Your one link suggested over 75 000

That's a Lancet study. UK based, they haven't done an estimated death rate. I'm just as worried about an overloaded medical system than I am of the Virus. No one dies of Pneumonia in western countries. If they can't get treated at the hospital then Pneumonia becomes quite dangerous indeed. We could see a massive spike in deaths.

That is about 40x as bad as flu, but no one knows yet, it could be much lower.
SARS killed about 10%

Correct again, we don't know. I'm giving you the best OSINT information available as of right now.

SARS was also easily contained and not nearly as infectuous.

Here is the thing, the virus is spreading and will continue to do so.
The only way to contain it is to control the populations, as what china is doing right now.

You mean locking people in their apartments and leaving them to starve? Arresting jornalists thar report on it? That's what China is doing, are you suggesting we do that also?


I'm happy you have no cases in your country. Empathy is important for now, survival may be more important later.


What happens when we run out of hospital beds?

We buy some more cheap beds from China.

Solid plan.

Is death and suffering a joke to you?

As for waiting for the WHO.
(Who still maintains we should all continue flights to and from China)

How about the CDC?
The link is in the info dump.
I know you didn't read it.

The Wuhan coronavirus spreading from China is now likely to become a pandemic that circles the globe, according to many of the world’s leading infectious disease experts.
The prospect is daunting. A pandemic — an ongoing epidemic on two or more continents — may well have global consequences, despite the extraordinary travel restrictions and quarantines now imposed by China and other countries, including the United States.
Scientists do not yet know how lethal the new coronavirus is, however, so there is uncertainty about how much damage a pandemic might cause. But there is growing consensus that the pathogen is readily transmitted between humans.
The Wuhan coronavirus is spreading more like influenza, which is highly transmissible, than like its slow-moving viral cousins, SARS and MERS, scientists have found.
“It’s very, very transmissible, and it almost certainly is going to be a pandemic,” said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.
“But will it be catastrophic? I don’t know.”
In the last three weeks, the number of lab-confirmed cases has soared from about 50 in China to more than 17,000 in at least 23 countries; there have been more than 360 deaths.

What happens when we run out of hospital beds?

The 1918 “Spanish flu” killed only about 2.5 percent of its victims — but because it infected so many people and medical care was much cruder then, 20 million to 50 million died.

We're all going to die again.

Explain to me, if this gets to the west and spreads like it has in China. How our supply chain won't break down?

If you don't want to you don't have to.

There is not enough data yet, but so far it suggests that this may be a lot less dangerous than SARS was, and quite possible just barely more fatal than the normal Flu. Your one link even confirms this.
Possibly 75000 people infected, less than 400 fatalities, thats a very small percentage of people dying.

No. These are China's numbers currently.
There are currently 20,639 confirmed cases worldwide, including 427 fatalities.

By the official numbers NCoV is around 40x more deadly than the flu. It's also more infectious.

If you don't trust Chinas number of infected why would you trust their number of dead?

Ill wait for WHO info rather than conspiracy theories before I uproot my life.

I'm not telling anyone to uproot their life. I'm telling you to prepare. This is not a conspiracy theory. The escaped bioweapon angle is the conspiracy theory although it can be explained by incompetence and actually has a lot of evidence I haven't presented because I feel it's unnecessary.

By the time WHO says to buy food all the food will be gone in a mass panic.
We are already nearly out of Alcohol based hand sanitizer and P2/P3 masks. This can be explained by the Chinese diaspora buying masks and sanitizer and selling / sending it to China.

You must understand this. When the TV tells you to panic it will be too late to prepare.

Again, don't uproot your life.

Event 201 models a corona virus pandemic and the societal and economic consequences. It was ran by the John Hopkins centre and Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. It is the most accurate model we have of this outbreak.

China is burning bodies and locking people in their homes to starve.

The mortality rate isn't as low as the Chinese Communist party wants you to believe. Journalists are being arrested and black bagged for leaking information to the public. *Salutes.

Back in 2001, it was a smallpox outbreak, set off by terrorists in U.S. shopping malls. This fall, it was a SARS-like virus, germinating quietly among pig farms in Brazil before spreading to every country in the world.

With each fictional pandemic Johns Hopkins experts have designed, the takeaway lesson is the same: We are nowhere near prepared.

"Once you're in the midst of a severe pandemic, your options are very limited," says Eric Toner, a senior scholar at the Center for Health Security at Johns Hopkins University. "The greatest good can happen with pre-planning."

That center's latest pandemic simulation, Event 201, dropped participants right in the midst of an uncontrolled coronavirus outbreak that was spreading like wildfire out of South America to wreak worldwide havoc. As fictional newscasters from "GNN" narrated, the immune-resistant virus (nicknamed CAPS) was crippling trade and travel, sending the global economy into freefall. Social media was rampant with rumors and misinformation, governments were collapsing, and citizens were revolting.

For those participating in New York City on Oct. 18—a heavyweight group of policymakers, business leaders, and health officials—Event 201 was a chance to see how much catch-up work is needed to bolster our disaster response systems. Full videos of the discussion are available online.

"It really does shake up assumptions and change thinking about how we can prepare for a global pandemic," says Tom Inglesby, director of the Center for Health Security.

Event 201 is the fourth such exercise hosted by the Johns Hopkins center, which works to prepare communities for biological threats, pandemics, and other disasters. The simulations started with 2001's Dark Winter, which gathered national security experts for its simulated smallpox outbreak. The groundbreaking event turned out to be influential in shaping U.S. efforts around pandemic preparedness—particularly due to its timing, right before 9/11.

"Dark Winter resulted in more than a dozen congressional hearings, was briefed to the White House, and ultimately influenced the decision to stockpile enough smallpox vaccine for all Americans," Inglesby says.

That simulation and its two successors—Atlantic Storm, conducted in 2005, and last summer's Clade X—have also demonstrated lasting value as educational and advocacy tools, with reenactments or modified versions taking place in settings including universities, the CDC, and Capitol Hill, according to Inglesby. "These exercises have a long fuse," he says.

For Event 201, hosted in collaboration with the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the experts added a new layer of realism by reaching beyond government and NGOs to leaders in the private sector and business community. Participants included representatives from NBCUniversal, UPS, and Johnson & Johnson.

"Very few people have included the private sector in pandemic preparedness, but that's where most of the resources are," Toner says.

That's particularly true when it comes to vaccine development. The CAPS virus—which Toner describes as a cousin of SARS, "but slightly more transmissible, like the flu, and slightly more lethal"—was presented as resistant to any existing vaccine, as scientists scrambled to come up with one. Citizens, meanwhile, were rioting over scarce access to the next best thing: a fictional antiviral known to treat some CAPS symptoms.

That scenario, Toner says, is utterly realistic. "We don't have a vaccine for SARS, or MERS, or various avian flu viruses that have come up in the past decade," he notes. "That's because vaccine development is slow and difficult if there isn't an immediate market for it."

In the simulation, CAPS resulted in a death toll of 65 million people within 18 months—surpassing the deadliest pandemic in history, the 1918 Spanish flu.

From the discussions Event 201 inspired, the Center for Health Security plans to release a set of formal recommendations within the coming weeks.

Shortly after the simulation, the center released the Global Health Security Index, the first-ever comprehensive ranking of countries on their pandemic preparedness. All in all, the picture was discouraging: The average score, across 195 countries, was 40 out of a possible 100.

"It's our hope," Inglesby says, "that countries will use this to consider where they are strong and where they are weak."

Hi CCP frens.

Stop stealing our shit, we never should have let you play with our toys.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Do something CCP you know who I am.

Event 201 is the most accurate model of the situation we are in now. China's stock market is gone, high probability that ours will fail also.

A breakdown in our supply chain WILL cause more deaths than the virus itself.
A pandemic WILL cause a mass panic and a breakdown in our supply chain. People WILL starve.

Plan, prepare, act, survive.

There is some science to support the hypothesis that nCoV is particularly dangerous to South East Asian males but this shouldn't make any westerner feel more comfortable.

It's not just a flu. The CCP is lying, nCoV has a higher R0 (how infectious it is) and a far higher mortality rate even using the Chinese Communist parties numbers.

They lied about the SARS outbreak they are lying about nCoV to try to preserve their economy. We are all at risk, the CDC has woken up to the fact that containment of this now is most likely impossible.

Over half of China under lockdown, accounting for 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

It is “increasingly unlikely that the virus can be contained” says former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Scientists: 75,815 individuals have been infected in Wuhan as of Jan 25, 2020
(Gary is winning)

Infected: 20471
Obliterated: 427
Suspected: 23214
Recovered: 632


First death outside China confirmed in Philippines

Airlines suspend flights from China

Hunt for 480 Wuhan travellers lost in Britain

USA bans entry of foreigners who have recently been to China

Still contagious after recovery

r0 = 4.08

2019-nCoV infection associated with high mortality

Google Maps moved location of Wuhan biolab

CCP burning bodies without testing or registration

Wuhan mayor admitted shortage of testing kits, all suspected cases are already in the pneumonia stage
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>Infected Countries List
Japan 20 Thailand 19 Singapore 18 South Korea 15 Hong Kong 14 Australia 12 Germany 10 Taiwan 10 United States 11 Macau 8 Malaysia 8 Vietnam 7 France 6 United Arab Emirates 5 Canada 4 India 2 Italy 2 Philippines 2 Russia 2 United Kingdom 2 Cambodia 1 Finland 1 Nepal 1 Spain 1 Sri Lanka 1 Sweden 1

I like all of you. Even you, old friends.

Plan, prepare and survive. All the OSINT leads to this being incredibly dangerous. Take precautions, wash your hands regularly with an alcohol based solution, don't touch your face avoid public transport and large crowded events until we know what's going on.

Have at least two months of food and WATER on hand.
Two months worth of vitamins, especially vitamin C for skurvy.
Hunting and fishing equipment.
Tools to build and maintain a campsite.
A compass, flint, good quality skinning knife.
A PLAN to get out of the city if things get as bad as they are in China.
Fuel, solar panels, generators make life much more comfortable.

Just for a few ideas.

OSINT dumps below. Mainstream news is catching up now. DO NOT IGNORE THIS.

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