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Topics - Pongo

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Flat Earth General / MOVED: Funny
« on: January 12, 2018, 07:39:00 AM »

Flat Earth General / MOVED: Earth
« on: January 12, 2018, 07:36:08 AM »

As everyone knows, the idea of lunestrial sonoluminescent shrimp-like creatures has been a mainstay of flat-earth theory for years now. It appears that the scientific community is subtly telling us more about them. A newly discovered species of sonoluminescent shrimp has been discovered off the coast of Panama and it has been given the scientific name Synalpheus pinkfloydi. This is in clear reference to Pink Floyd's 8th album, Dark Side of the Moon.

As the theory stands, shrimp-like creatures create deleterious light to stun, kill, or capture prey. This same harmful light is what is proposed to cause the harmful effects of Moonlight. So while these creatures are shrimp-like in that they sonoluminate, they are not literal shrimp. This connection with Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon is just one more piece in the puzzle in favor of a flat-earth world model.

Flat Earth General / Further Proof the Moon's Light is Evil
« on: September 14, 2016, 07:35:31 AM »

New studies have a shown a link between the light of the moon and earthquakes. Sadly, the authors attribute the quakes to gravity; science's catch-all term for "we don't know, but we have to label it something." Clearly, it's the light of a full moon causing the seismic disturbances. Even the round-earth model doesn't say that a full moon causes any more gravity to happen. In fact, this isn't even possible under the round-earth model as the moon is supposedly always the same distance from the earth and no amount of "sun-reflected" light would cause a tremor. However, the flat-earth model has long espoused the deleterious effects of moonlight. This is just one more in a long line of proofs of the harmful effects of moonlight.

All the dominoes are falling into place. It won't be long before mainstream science can't deny its own studies any longer!

Flat Earth Debate / MOVED: Gravity?
« on: January 25, 2016, 07:41:18 AM »

Flat Earth Q&A / MOVED: Compasses
« on: June 15, 2015, 09:50:07 AM »

Flat Earth Q&A / MOVED: Other Planets
« on: June 08, 2015, 12:35:17 PM »

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