"My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"

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  • 7671
  • RE/FE Apathetic.
"My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« on: August 28, 2010, 08:43:57 PM »
I have posted on here, in the now-distant past, my feelings (lol) and thoughts regarding Religion, and also Politics. What I have not done, I feel (lol) and think, is posted a clear-cut view what my personal philosophical views are, and how they may or may not align with others who are passionate about both topics as I myself clearly am.

That being said, here are the baseline points I would like to make, and I would appreciate any and all comers who wish to engage me in an intelligent, thought-out discuss. Disagreements are fine, welcome, encouraged, and will not be abused. I promise.

Now then....

"Midsophy" is the moniker that I subscribe to. The finer points are as follows:


Religion is a social disease in my view of things. It keeps people focused on ritualized wasting of their time, until they either die for their beliefs, or they wake up at the age of 65 and have nothing but regrets (secretly, mind you, because being wrong is anathema to their perceptions). Religion leads to wars of attrition, genocide, and penis-envy, on a scale only matched by the size of the human imagination. One man's god is another man's Satan. It all boils down to a binary decision: Will you run with an established herd, make the leap and try to create your own competing herd, ambush an established or fledgling herd - kill it and eat it, or will you walk the path of they that are 'Not Connected'.

I believe (irony) that religion leads to most of societal problems. People will NEVER come to a consensus on basic norms that are force fed each successive generation of pathetics. People will NEVER admit to being "the odd man out" when such a massive movement such as Islam or Christianity is in place. I believe this is because people behave, en masse, from a place of FEAR.

Fear of the unknown. Fear of uncertain times. Fear of ridicule. Fear of loss of status or property. Fear of being shunned. The list goes on like a strand of DNA spitting out of a dot matrix printer 12 years ago. Fear. Fear. Fear.

Religion gives us a mask of piety. It creates a place where we can pretend to be noble, and count our blessings, when we really only want what we want, and all else be damned. Thrice. I find this silly, and beneath a creature of my distinction.


Politics are the second symptom of social disease that I feel is plaguing humanity. You cannot escape it. You cannot ignore it forever. No matter who you are, and where you are, you are trapped by it, fed from it, strangled by it, and otherwise tossed aside by it. You can rail against any cause, and you will still be eaten. Alive.

What then, is the point to politicking? Why bother? If there is no permanent escape from it, for most people, what then is a mortal man or woman to do?

Simple: Leave society behind. It really is that simple. And yet, FEAR stops most from doing so. When I post on here, I am not posting on here from anywhere most of you want to be, or could be if you tried. I find that entertaining, but also sad, because I believe (lol) that many of you could unshackle yourselves, if you had the balls to do it.


My grandfather had a saying: "Get up early, go to bed early. Exercise everyday. Eat right. Die anyway".

The current mind-fail of my American compatriots offers me no end of entertainment. Diets. Machines. It all is a real circus. None of it matters. You are GOING to die. Nothing you do will save you. Nothing you say will save you. Nothing you inject, swallow, apply or wear will save you, in the end. It, all of it, this life we have to each of us, is finite. Deal with it. Medicine is a weapon of mass distraction.

Doctors proffer something Howard Bloom called "The Illusion of Control". They give you the false sense that someone is watching out for you, and has all the bumps ready to smooth over. In reality, where I live and pay rent, these persons do NOT, and will NOT. They are the most audacious form of Organized Crime that exists in modern man's pantry. Think about it.


The ability to send your mother in law a photograph in seconds has diminished mankind's ability to actually experience many of the simpler things in life. Like the character of Morpheus in the The Matrix, telling Neo how people were so protective of the system of reality they believed was the only one, that they would fight to protect the delusional existence, I am telling you that you are losing your grip on humanity. This is not because I care if you live or die. It is because it is a cold, hard fact. I have spent several months living off the land. I have learned some things about people through watching them from the edges of forests and bogs, and I have learned that the average human being is physically incapable of living without the assistance of all the little gadgets and gizmos he or she attains. We cannot handle life anymore, without a GPS map of the area. We cannot listen to music, without it being carried in a pocket. We cannot LEARN latin, because it has no business applications. Technology, for all her merits, is a symptom of social disease.

I hope that some of what I have posited will help some of you to think, and I again welcome anyone and everyone to partake in the discussion. I borrowed heavily on some of this from what has been said the world over, but I feel it has been glossed over. I would like to hear from you guys.

My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.


Ichimaru Gin :]

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Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 08:48:36 PM »
What are your views on faith opposed to religion?
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



  • 7671
  • RE/FE Apathetic.
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 08:51:11 PM »
Are you referring to faith used as a means of OPPOSING religion, or faith in place of it?
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.


Ichimaru Gin :]

  • Undefeated FEer
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Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2010, 08:53:37 PM »
In place.
Actually both would be good if you don't mind typing a lil more  ;D
I saw a slight haze in the hotel bathroom this morning after I took a shower, have I discovered a new planet?



  • 7671
  • RE/FE Apathetic.
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2010, 09:10:49 PM »
In place.
Actually both would be good if you don't mind typing a lil more  ;D

You betcha!

As far as faith being used to OPPOSE religion, look at any random Atheist. Atheism is a religion. Period. I can prove it with a simple example: Anything one believes, based on certainty that is merely told to oneself, is a belief system. When you then espouse it, you are expressing religious fervor. Thus, the claim that god doesn't exist, in any person to person setting, is a religious action (attempt at conversion), and thus mindless. If one does not believe in a thing, why comment on a thing? It is like saying you are convinced that you are a person made of glass, but never show any glass parts of yourself, but repeat the mantra because you wish me to be converted to the view you are, in fact, made of glass. You are a cultist in your own cartoon show.

As far as faith used in the concept of "forcing someone to disbelieve in a religious system", convincing someone of something is literally having that person show FAITH, in that you are correct. It can be a weapon or a party gag, depending.

As far as faith IN PLACE OF religion, that one is pretty easy peasy. I have FAITH that I am going to wake up in the morning. It is not a certainty, but I believe I will, and because I believe that I will, in spite of when it happens, I never really look back and say "I was vindicated". This is a far cry from "I believe I will wake up in the morning, covered in bees because a magical hair brush is telling me it is thus". If I tell anyone, ANYONE, that hairbrush belief, I have taken it to a religious connotation and thus have become a fruit basket with an agenda.
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.



  • 3077
  • Canadian Philosopher
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2010, 11:28:07 PM »
You have some solid beliefs, but you lack intellectual refinement. You should study political theory and philosophy, and hopefully tidy up your loose ends. I was intrigued by your views on politics and philosophy, because the other topics are outside of my interests and are, to be honest, a bit banal.

What interests me most is your belief that politics is merely a social system, and that humanity is losing their humaneness through the reliance on technology. I have two questions for you to discover your views. The first is regarding the natural state of man, and the second is regarding your proposed solution to the malaise of modernity.

1) Is contemporary politics a corrupted form of a more natural phenomena, or is it merely a technological or societal corruption full stop? And in a slightly different form, is man, as the great Aristotle wrote, naturally a political animal.

2) What can we, humanity as a whole and individuals in particular, do to bring about a more natural life for ourselves. If the answer is to live a more secluded and self-sufficient life, then what kind of life would that really mean? I would suggest using R.E. Thoreau's Walden as a starting point or reference.

Quote from: President Barack Obama
Pot had helped
Get the fuck over it.



  • 7671
  • RE/FE Apathetic.
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2010, 06:15:26 PM »
I have studied philosophy, a great deal in fact, and came to some of my conclusions based on real-world experiences. I have to be honest and admit that my own experiences are simply my own, but from a long time watching others, I came to some of my aforementioned conclusions. I can but live by what I have seen and experienced, no?

As far as 'intellectual refinement' I claim the phrase "tomato, tomata". My points are pretty straight forward, and easy to grasp. I perhaps could work on my delivery a bit better though.

In response to #1:

Howard Bloom has greatly influenced my thinking on the topic of politics in human society. I think his suggestions are rather revolutionary, and exemplary of the type of thought that, although uncomfortable to many people exposed to them, offer SOMETHING, minus mists and ghosts and mumbo jumbo. He stated that, society ALWAYS has a pecking order, and it ALWAYS will have a pecking order. Unfortunately, for mankind in the modern area, again according to Bloom, the pecking order is not linear, and it is always being mutated, almost like a viral organism, to suit them that have control over it. Social groups of animals have the same thing, and will sometimes be what we would call "insanely violent" without any visible cause. It is part of a complex development of species. However, I believe that those of us who choose to leave said ladder of attrition, can attain a peaceful, even more enriched life, because we are no longer beholden to the "rule of mules" as I call it. There will ALWAYS be conflict in human-on-human interaction, but being a lone wolf has many benefits to being part of a herd that is hell bent of self destruction.

In singular cases, it has been observed, the world over, that human beings are relatively harmless to nature, and can sustain a healthy balance between the land and themselves. In groups, that tips. The larger the group, the greater the schism, and eventually, the larger the idiocy. It is like a backwards evolution, happening in real time, versus the nonsense idea many cling to that Utopia is possible. Human Nature, itself, is a null switch against harmony, because human beings, especially in ancient times, and perhaps MORESO today, are insatiable beings. We want, and we want all the time, and we want right now. When you are on your own, nature doesn't care. She will cut away the crap, and force us to either adapt on the fly, or perish. In groups, it becomes somewhat diluted, and perhaps them that should NOT see another genetic dawn, rise atop those that perhaps deserve the lungs they breathe with.

I suppose some of this comes from a place of bitterness at mankind as a whole, on my part, but I have thought about it for a very long time, and it makes sense to me. Again, tomato, tomata.

In response to #2:

Self-reliance leads to many benefits that most modern people miss. Being able to overcome sudden disaster, and the like, is one. Being able to feed and shelter oneself from nature is another. Many people (not most, but many) believe in a near-mythical grocery store entity that will always enable them to attain food or drinks at a moment's notice. Unfortunately, in a seriously bad situation, these sorts of people die earlier than their more self-reliant neighbors. Almost on principle, hah.

Self-reliance also gives a person the courage to "do what is required" in pretty much any situation. Where one person would hesitate, and die, another would act, and perhaps overcome near-certain death.

I am by no means demonizing, well, attempting to demonize, technology. I would be hard pressed to locate one person in America who does not benefit, in one way or another, from modern tech. I mean hell, posting this is proof I use the internet. However, I am very strongly against being "emotionally addicted" to access. I use it, but I am not a slave to it. I can function for week/months/years without sitting at a computer at all. It is hard, being raised as I was on silicon, but I have trained myself to do it. Another example is Television. The only people with any shred of RIGHT to defend Television, are the people who WORK in Television. It is their bread and butter, and thus they have a moral reason to defend it. However, I have never gained ANYTHING from sitting in front of it, except random factoids about animals in foreign places I will never see, and even those seem dubious, when held up to scrutiny. I have not owned a Television set in nearly 15 years now, and I have no plans to again in the future. The amount of personal freedom a man or woman can attain is limited only by their willingness to 'test the fences'. Many people in my life assume things, and thus never leave their grazing grounds. I want more for myself, and thus my self-reliance stance has grown quite strong in me over the past 7 or so years.

Being in the rat race has a lot to do with the outlook people possess. If you unplug from that, and stand outside the madness, many times a human being can be taken back to a primal, pure area of the psyche. This place is where "surviving another night in the snow" is tantamount to "winning a grammy" only with life-long merits. Some things simply cease to matter, when you reconnect with the world as it was before man began building his crap.

I appreciate your response, and I will give deadly-serious thought to what you posited. I hold the same opinions mostly, but I will assuredly look into what you said.
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 30590
  • The cat in the Matrix
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2010, 07:05:06 AM »
I have posted on here, in the now-distant past, my feelings (lol) and thoughts regarding Religion, and also Politics. What I have not done, I feel (lol) and think, is posted a clear-cut view what my personal philosophical views are, and how they may or may not align with others who are passionate about both topics as I myself clearly am.

That being said, here are the baseline points I would like to make, and I would appreciate any and all comers who wish to engage me in an intelligent, thought-out discuss. Disagreements are fine, welcome, encouraged, and will not be abused. I promise.

Now then....

"Midsophy" is the moniker that I subscribe to. The finer points are as follows:


Religion is a social disease in my view of things. It keeps people focused on ritualized wasting of their time, until they either die for their beliefs, or they wake up at the age of 65 and have nothing but regrets (secretly, mind you, because being wrong is anathema to their perceptions). Religion leads to wars of attrition, genocide, and penis-envy, on a scale only matched by the size of the human imagination. One man's god is another man's Satan. It all boils down to a binary decision: Will you run with an established herd, make the leap and try to create your own competing herd, ambush an established or fledgling herd - kill it and eat it, or will you walk the path of they that are 'Not Connected'.

I believe (irony) that religion leads to most of societal problems. People will NEVER come to a consensus on basic norms that are force fed each successive generation of pathetics. People will NEVER admit to being "the odd man out" when such a massive movement such as Islam or Christianity is in place. I believe this is because people behave, en masse, from a place of FEAR.

Fear of the unknown. Fear of uncertain times. Fear of ridicule. Fear of loss of status or property. Fear of being shunned. The list goes on like a strand of DNA spitting out of a dot matrix printer 12 years ago. Fear. Fear. Fear.

Religion gives us a mask of piety. It creates a place where we can pretend to be noble, and count our blessings, when we really only want what we want, and all else be damned. Thrice. I find this silly, and beneath a creature of my distinction.


Politics are the second symptom of social disease that I feel is plaguing humanity. You cannot escape it. You cannot ignore it forever. No matter who you are, and where you are, you are trapped by it, fed from it, strangled by it, and otherwise tossed aside by it. You can rail against any cause, and you will still be eaten. Alive.

What then, is the point to politicking? Why bother? If there is no permanent escape from it, for most people, what then is a mortal man or woman to do?

Simple: Leave society behind. It really is that simple. And yet, FEAR stops most from doing so. When I post on here, I am not posting on here from anywhere most of you want to be, or could be if you tried. I find that entertaining, but also sad, because I believe (lol) that many of you could unshackle yourselves, if you had the balls to do it.


My grandfather had a saying: "Get up early, go to bed early. Exercise everyday. Eat right. Die anyway".

The current mind-fail of my American compatriots offers me no end of entertainment. Diets. Machines. It all is a real circus. None of it matters. You are GOING to die. Nothing you do will save you. Nothing you say will save you. Nothing you inject, swallow, apply or wear will save you, in the end. It, all of it, this life we have to each of us, is finite. Deal with it. Medicine is a weapon of mass distraction.

Doctors proffer something Howard Bloom called "The Illusion of Control". They give you the false sense that someone is watching out for you, and has all the bumps ready to smooth over. In reality, where I live and pay rent, these persons do NOT, and will NOT. They are the most audacious form of Organized Crime that exists in modern man's pantry. Think about it.


The ability to send your mother in law a photograph in seconds has diminished mankind's ability to actually experience many of the simpler things in life. Like the character of Morpheus in the The Matrix, telling Neo how people were so protective of the system of reality they believed was the only one, that they would fight to protect the delusional existence, I am telling you that you are losing your grip on humanity. This is not because I care if you live or die. It is because it is a cold, hard fact. I have spent several months living off the land. I have learned some things about people through watching them from the edges of forests and bogs, and I have learned that the average human being is physically incapable of living without the assistance of all the little gadgets and gizmos he or she attains. We cannot handle life anymore, without a GPS map of the area. We cannot listen to music, without it being carried in a pocket. We cannot LEARN latin, because it has no business applications. Technology, for all her merits, is a symptom of social disease.

I hope that some of what I have posited will help some of you to think, and I again welcome anyone and everyone to partake in the discussion. I borrowed heavily on some of this from what has been said the world over, but I feel it has been glossed over. I would like to hear from you guys.


So.... religion is bad, politics are bad, medicine is bad, and technology is bad because they are a "social disease?"

Wow, that doesn't sound like the making of a horribly oppressive idiotic cult. Your plan is to remove everything that humanity has put in place to make its life easier on the premise that "it's a disease" using quotes from a third rate movie that was only impressive in the fact that it explained nothing. Looking for meaning in the matrix is like looking for food in Lindsey Lohan's stomach, you won't find it there, but that is why we love her.



  • 3077
  • Canadian Philosopher
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2010, 08:40:16 AM »
Raist, don`t be such a dismissive asshat. I agree, Midnight is clearly going through a `fuck the establishment`and `we must live naturally`phase, but it`s not a ridiculous thing. I haven't had the motivation to respond lately, but I will again. He's got some good insights, but I think he's a bit misguided. Everybody says 'I've studied philosophy' because they took a first year intro class. He needs some intellectual refinement, but he's not a wacko.
Quote from: President Barack Obama
Pot had helped
Get the fuck over it.



  • 7813
  • Bamhammer horror!
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2010, 08:59:40 AM »
They are the most audacious form of Organized Crime that exists in modern man's pantry.

Umm. Mixed metaphors?


Chris Spaghetti

  • Flat Earth Editor
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Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2010, 09:55:40 AM »
One question: How do nearly 7 billion people escape society? If they do, what becomes the point of them? farm, eat, sleep, shag, die. If that's the model you're going for you may as well spend it in a nice air-conditioned house.



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Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2010, 10:52:28 AM »
One question: How do nearly 7 billion people escape society? If they do, what becomes the point of them? farm, eat, sleep, shag, die. If that's the model you're going for you may as well spend it in a nice air-conditioned house.
You just do it, ok?



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Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2010, 11:00:27 AM »
I half agree with your views on technology. I don't think that technology itself is bad, but I do think that some people develop an unnecessary dependency on it; your example of GPS navigation is one such case.

Technology is also a form of control, and as with most forms of oppression most don't even care that they're being oppressed.
I'm going to side with the white supremacists.



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Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2010, 11:05:13 AM »
I half agree with your views on technology. I don't think that technology itself is bad, but I do think that some people develop an unnecessary dependency on it; your example of GPS navigation is one such case.

Or the internet.



  • The Elder Ones
  • 30590
  • The cat in the Matrix
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2010, 07:48:56 PM »
Raist, don`t be such a dismissive asshat. I agree, Midnight is clearly going through a `fuck the establishment`and `we must live naturally`phase, but it`s not a ridiculous thing. I haven't had the motivation to respond lately, but I will again. He's got some good insights, but I think he's a bit misguided. Everybody says 'I've studied philosophy' because they took a first year intro class. He needs some intellectual refinement, but he's not a wacko.

Actually, you must not have ever spoken to him in length. He is a wacko.

My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing. To move ourselves away from technology would require a massive reduction in population. An end to technological dependence will equal a massive drop in the carrying capacity for our species.

You are right, I am intentionally being a dismissive asshat, but only in response to him being an arrogant one.



Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2010, 11:28:16 AM »
Raist, don`t be such a dismissive asshat. I agree, Midnight is clearly going through a `fuck the establishment`and `we must live naturally`phase, but it`s not a ridiculous thing. I haven't had the motivation to respond lately, but I will again. He's got some good insights, but I think he's a bit misguided. Everybody says 'I've studied philosophy' because they took a first year intro class. He needs some intellectual refinement, but he's not a wacko.

Actually, you must not have ever spoken to him in length. He is a wacko.

My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing. To move ourselves away from technology would require a massive reduction in population. An end to technological dependence will equal a massive drop in the carrying capacity for our species.

You are right, I am intentionally being a dismissive asshat, but only in response to him being an arrogant one.

Okay. And?  The points you make don't invalidate Midnight's points, at all. 

Looking at this "social disease" conundrum, presented by Midnight, from either end of the spectrum AND surmising that your particular vantage point is the correct one proffers the implicit fact that there is/are some "goal(s)" to humanity - not to be mistaken for civilization, which we would probably agree has a very well-defined goal.  So, let's go deeper down the rabbit hole, why don't we?

Midnight, in your view, do you believe that humanity, stripped of these societal disease symptoms, has a collective goal?  If so, what is the goal?




  • The Elder Ones
  • 30590
  • The cat in the Matrix
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2010, 02:00:16 PM »
I guess I haven't expressed myself very well, due to the fact that I consider anything posted by mids to be one of his "jokes" like the fact that he claims there is a massive organization dedicated to gaining money to go on pedophile safaris. He claims this site is owned by said people in order to gain info on social interactions and then sell this info to companies for money.

But I digress.

I do believe that we have missed the point with technology. Technological innovation purely for the sake of technological innovation is pointless and becoming a substitute for actually living. What is the point of wasting hours of your life earning money at your job simply so you can buy an item that will allow you to watch movies with better resolution? We have replaced social interactions with technological distractions, and I do believe that we need to redirect technology into new directions.

This in no way means technology or anything else is a "societal disease," the true problem is we have developed a society that offers a nearly meaningless existence.

I apologize for the disorganization of this post, and I really am not sure if I got my point across, but it's the best I can do while watching little kids.



  • 7671
  • RE/FE Apathetic.
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2011, 03:55:08 PM »
Wow. Just...Wow.
My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.



  • 346
  • Deutschland Double Heil!! @_@//
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2011, 03:59:20 PM »


Religion is a social disease in my view of things. It keeps people focused on ritualized wasting of their time, until they either die for their beliefs, or they wake up at the age of 65 and have nothing but regrets (secretly, mind you, because being wrong is anathema to their perceptions). Religion leads to wars of attrition, genocide, and penis-envy, on a scale only matched by the size of the human imagination. One man's god is another man's Satan. It all boils down to a binary decision: Will you run with an established herd, make the leap and try to create your own competing herd, ambush an established or fledgling herd - kill it and eat it, or will you walk the path of they that are 'Not Connected'.

I believe (irony) that religion leads to most of societal problems. People will NEVER come to a consensus on basic norms that are force fed each successive generation of pathetics. People will NEVER admit to being "the odd man out" when such a massive movement such as Islam or Christianity is in place. I believe this is because people behave, en masse, from a place of FEAR.

Fear of the unknown. Fear of uncertain times. Fear of ridicule. Fear of loss of status or property. Fear of being shunned. The list goes on like a strand of DNA spitting out of a dot matrix printer 12 years ago. Fear. Fear. Fear.

Religion gives us a mask of piety. It creates a place where we can pretend to be noble, and count our blessings, when we really only want what we want, and all else be damned. Thrice. I find this silly, and beneath a creature of my distinction.

You confuse "Religion" with "Cultism". What you described is 100% Cultist Activities and Occult Rituals.

None of that is even remotely religious, Savey?

Replace "religion" with "cult", and I couldn't agree more, however.
We shall have a magnificent orgy garden party & you're not invited



  • 346
  • Deutschland Double Heil!! @_@//
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #19 on: December 28, 2011, 04:00:20 PM »

Politics are the second symptom of social disease that I feel is plaguing humanity. You cannot escape it. You cannot ignore it forever. No matter who you are, and where you are, you are trapped by it, fed from it, strangled by it, and otherwise tossed aside by it. You can rail against any cause, and you will still be eaten. Alive.

What then, is the point to politicking? Why bother? If there is no permanent escape from it, for most people, what then is a mortal man or woman to do?

Simple: Leave society behind. It really is that simple. And yet, FEAR stops most from doing so. When I post on here, I am not posting on here from anywhere most of you want to be, or could be if you tried. I find that entertaining, but also sad, because I believe (lol) that many of you could unshackle yourselves, if you had the balls to do it.
We shall have a magnificent orgy garden party & you're not invited



  • 346
  • Deutschland Double Heil!! @_@//
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #20 on: December 28, 2011, 04:01:26 PM »

My grandfather had a saying: "Get up early, go to bed early. Exercise everyday. Eat right. Die anyway".

The current mind-fail of my American compatriots offers me no end of entertainment. Diets. Machines. It all is a real circus. None of it matters. You are GOING to die. Nothing you do will save you. Nothing you say will save you. Nothing you inject, swallow, apply or wear will save you, in the end. It, all of it, this life we have to each of us, is finite. Deal with it. Medicine is a weapon of mass distraction.

Doctors proffer something Howard Bloom called "The Illusion of Control". They give you the false sense that someone is watching out for you, and has all the bumps ready to smooth over. In reality, where I live and pay rent, these persons do NOT, and will NOT. They are the most audacious form of Organized Crime that exists in modern man's pantry. Think about it.
We shall have a magnificent orgy garden party & you're not invited



  • 8971
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #21 on: December 28, 2011, 04:03:26 PM »
What exactly is the purpose of this thread? All I see is people posting whether or not they like your belief system. You're not talking about changing anything, you just state you dislike it and why. Good for you.



  • 346
  • Deutschland Double Heil!! @_@//
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #22 on: December 28, 2011, 04:08:16 PM »

The ability to send your mother in law a photograph in seconds has diminished mankind's ability to actually experience many of the simpler things in life. Like the character of Morpheus in the The Matrix, telling Neo how people were so protective of the system of reality they believed was the only one, that they would fight to protect the delusional existence, I am telling you that you are losing your grip on humanity. This is not because I care if you live or die. It is because it is a cold, hard fact. I have spent several months living off the land. I have learned some things about people through watching them from the edges of forests and bogs, and I have learned that the average human being is physically incapable of living without the assistance of all the little gadgets and gizmos he or she attains. We cannot handle life anymore, without a GPS map of the area. We cannot listen to music, without it being carried in a pocket. We cannot LEARN latin, because it has no business applications. Technology, for all her merits, is a symptom of social disease.

I hope that some of what I have posited will help some of you to think, and I again welcome anyone and everyone to partake in the discussion. I borrowed heavily on some of this from what has been said the world over, but I feel it has been glossed over. I would like to hear from you guys.


Agrees. Except I'd sooner replace "symptom" with "cancer".

Machinery, Politicults, Alchemy & Cultism are Cancers of Society.

You know, I had a feeling you weren't utterly useless. My instinctuition was on my side .... you're the first person who's beliefs are very much like my own, that I've yet to encounter.

Consider yourself honoured to share some of my thoughts, even if by unrelated thought processes.
We shall have a magnificent orgy garden party & you're not invited



  • 346
  • Deutschland Double Heil!! @_@//
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #23 on: December 28, 2011, 04:18:22 PM »
What exactly is the purpose of this thread? All I see is people posting whether or not they like your belief system. You're not talking about changing anything, you just state you dislike it and why. Good for you.
You don't get this, okay ? You just don't ... okay?

Some people ...... While others ......
We shall have a magnificent orgy garden party & you're not invited



  • 7206
  • Terrorist
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #24 on: December 28, 2011, 04:28:53 PM »
Wow. Just...Wow.

This was my exact reaction while reading the OP.



  • 346
  • Deutschland Double Heil!! @_@//
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #25 on: December 28, 2011, 04:39:32 PM »
Original Poster should keep in mind that "supposedly" Politics started as homosexual cults where greek pedophiles raped young boys, whilst discussing maths, and other gay cult subjects. Maths was like fashion then. All the gays ate it right up. Every university has this. Gay math cultists.

Politics was a cult, originally. Politics never changed. Politics is still a cult, by every known historical means. Their creed is Favouritism, they give all the best diplomas and "credits" to their own sexual slaves, they call "pupils" and "students", whom are actually their secret lovers.

Their temples are Universities, and world domination is their first and last goal. Wether united or in rivalry with each other.

Original Poster should keep in mind that Christianity is not a religion. It is a faith that has been the common source of inspiration for countless religions.

Roman Catholicism is a religion. Byzantine Orthodoxy is a religion. Russian Schism Chuch is a religion. Jehova's Witnesses is a religion. Freemasonry is a religion. Lutheranism is a religion. Arianism is a religion. Satanism is a religion. Later Day Saints is a religion. Islam is a religion.

All of these are not Christian faiths. They are religions inspired by the Christian Faith.

The only true Christians were the ones who were baptised by Jesus, or joined the early crusade against the Pagan Romans. Their only known heirs are Arian Christians, who are Goths, Scythians, Ruthenians, Vandals, Bogomils, Albigensian Cathars, and so forth.

Those are the only areligions who are the closest to original Christian ideals. Such as peace mongering, chastity, solitude, meditation, wrestling bears with bear hands, flying on winged kittens, playing chess with Napoleon and WINNING !!

Islam and Christianity aren't the same. Islam is only one of the countless religions that are inspired by Christianism, the Faith. Christianity itself is not a religion, just a Faith. Which is purely spiritual and immaterial.

Religions are material, "of this world", and only a symbolic earthly vessel of their chosen Faith.

You may have studied philosophy, but that too was a cult of pagan worshipers who (masturbated to) Sophia, or Baphomet, or Mahommed. The pagan moon goddess who created Islam, in opposition to Eve / Jehova the Matriarch worshipped by Biblical religions like some of the Christian based ones.

Sorry to burst your idealistic Creed, but you cannot "study Philosophy". That's like saying you climbed on yourself until your feet rested firmly upon the top of your head. Or you shook hands with yourself, only it was the same hand you shook with the same one.

You don't study Philosophy. Philosophy Is Study. Studying itself (in the mirror), Analyzing itself (with a strappy), Philosophy is the Paragon of Narcissism.
We shall have a magnificent orgy garden party & you're not invited



  • 7206
  • Terrorist
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #26 on: December 28, 2011, 05:01:52 PM »
Original Poster should keep in mind that "supposedly" Politics started as homosexual cults where greek pedophiles raped young boys, whilst discussing maths, and other gay cult subjects. Maths was like fashion then. All the gays ate it right up. Every university has this. Gay math cultists.

Politics was a cult, originally. Politics never changed. Politics is still a cult, by every known historical means. Their creed is Favouritism, they give all the best diplomas and "credits" to their own sexual slaves, they call "pupils" and "students", whom are actually their secret lovers.

Their temples are Universities, and world domination is their first and last goal. Wether united or in rivalry with each other.

Original Poster should keep in mind that Christianity is not a religion. It is a faith that has been the common source of inspiration for countless religions.

Roman Catholicism is a religion. Byzantine Orthodoxy is a religion. Russian Schism Chuch is a religion. Jehova's Witnesses is a religion. Freemasonry is a religion. Lutheranism is a religion. Arianism is a religion. Satanism is a religion. Later Day Saints is a religion. Islam is a religion.

All of these are not Christian faiths. They are religions inspired by the Christian Faith.

The only true Christians were the ones who were baptised by Jesus, or joined the early crusade against the Pagan Romans. Their only known heirs are Arian Christians, who are Goths, Scythians, Ruthenians, Vandals, Bogomils, Albigensian Cathars, and so forth.

Those are the only areligions who are the closest to original Christian ideals. Such as peace mongering, chastity, solitude, meditation, wrestling bears with bear hands, flying on winged kittens, playing chess with Napoleon and WINNING !!

Islam and Christianity aren't the same. Islam is only one of the countless religions that are inspired by Christianism, the Faith. Christianity itself is not a religion, just a Faith. Which is purely spiritual and immaterial.

Religions are material, "of this world", and only a symbolic earthly vessel of their chosen Faith.

You may have studied philosophy, but that too was a cult of pagan worshipers who (masturbated to) Sophia, or Baphomet, or Mahommed. The pagan moon goddess who created Islam, in opposition to Eve / Jehova the Matriarch worshipped by Biblical religions like some of the Christian based ones.

Sorry to burst your idealistic Creed, but you cannot "study Philosophy". That's like saying you climbed on yourself until your feet rested firmly upon the top of your head. Or you shook hands with yourself, only it was the same hand you shook with the same one.

You don't study Philosophy. Philosophy Is Study. Studying itself (in the mirror), Analyzing itself (with a strappy), Philosophy is the Paragon of Narcissism.
Wow. Just...Wow.



  • Flat Earth Editor
  • 2444
  • Earth Shape Apathetic.
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #27 on: December 29, 2011, 01:23:14 PM »

Politics are the second symptom of social disease that I feel is plaguing humanity. You cannot escape it. You cannot ignore it forever. No matter who you are, and where you are, you are trapped by it, fed from it, strangled by it, and otherwise tossed aside by it. You can rail against any cause, and you will still be eaten. Alive.

What then, is the point to politicking? Why bother? If there is no permanent escape from it, for most people, what then is a mortal man or woman to do?

Simple: Leave society behind. It really is that simple. And yet, FEAR stops most from doing so. When I post on here, I am not posting on here from anywhere most of you want to be, or could be if you tried. I find that entertaining, but also sad, because I believe (lol) that many of you could unshackle yourselves, if you had the balls to do it.
Right, let me get this straight. You advocate an abandonment of society and politics, yes? If so, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the basis of society. To understand this, we must look back to the early days of modern humanity, and even animals. Humans formed groups to survive, it is surely obvious that life (particularly human life) cannot sustain itself. A basic form  of strength in unity was established. Those with leadership and strength quickly rose to the top of these groups, and tribal boundaries formed. In the parleying and conflict in these tribes are the basics of politics as we know it. Of course, back then it was politics at the sword's edge. Survival of the fittest. I would not be against a return to a more basic, human form of politics. However, by abandoning society altogether as you suggest we would be turning our back on a system that has functioned remarkably well  for millenia. In short, you're chatting crap.
Always check your tackle- Caerphilly school of Health. If I see an innuendo in my post, I'll be sure to whip it out.



  • 7671
  • RE/FE Apathetic.
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #28 on: December 30, 2011, 08:42:23 AM »

Politics are the second symptom of social disease that I feel is plaguing humanity. You cannot escape it. You cannot ignore it forever. No matter who you are, and where you are, you are trapped by it, fed from it, strangled by it, and otherwise tossed aside by it. You can rail against any cause, and you will still be eaten. Alive.

What then, is the point to politicking? Why bother? If there is no permanent escape from it, for most people, what then is a mortal man or woman to do?

Simple: Leave society behind. It really is that simple. And yet, FEAR stops most from doing so. When I post on here, I am not posting on here from anywhere most of you want to be, or could be if you tried. I find that entertaining, but also sad, because I believe (lol) that many of you could unshackle yourselves, if you had the balls to do it.
Right, let me get this straight. You advocate an abandonment of society and politics, yes? If so, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the basis of society. To understand this, we must look back to the early days of modern humanity, and even animals. Humans formed groups to survive, it is surely obvious that life (particularly human life) cannot sustain itself. A basic form  of strength in unity was established. Those with leadership and strength quickly rose to the top of these groups, and tribal boundaries formed. In the parleying and conflict in these tribes are the basics of politics as we know it. Of course, back then it was politics at the sword's edge. Survival of the fittest. I would not be against a return to a more basic, human form of politics. However, by abandoning society altogether as you suggest we would be turning our back on a system that has functioned remarkably well  for millenia. In short, you're chatting crap.

I enjoyed digesting your informative post, and would like to commend you on giving me your life force.

That being said, you completely (and dare I say? yeah! - contemptuously) missed the fucking point. Entirely.

And, your claim of 'performing remarkably well for eons' is not only asinine, it is borne out of the problem of the life you obviously live. You live comfortably, I assume. You thus believe society works for mankind, because it works for you.

Logical fallacy, but not at all your fault. Many people hold the same skewed worldview because they do not know any better. Ignorance is never a wrong. Willful ignorance is a crime against humanity, and should be strangled whenever found.

In your case, I honestly think you believe what you just said, for the reason I myself just espoused, putting you squarely in the 'cannot help it' category.

There are more than several places on this planet where modern politics and religion, and social norms do not, have not, and may never, exist. The people in these places are doing just fine and dandy. Thus, your argument is null, and suicide is your only recourse.

My problem with his ideas is that it is a ridiculous thing.

Genius. PURE, undiluted genius.



  • 7206
  • Terrorist
Re: "My Philosophy Regarding Established & Future Belief Systems"
« Reply #29 on: December 30, 2011, 09:27:17 AM »

Politics are the second symptom of social disease that I feel is plaguing humanity. You cannot escape it. You cannot ignore it forever. No matter who you are, and where you are, you are trapped by it, fed from it, strangled by it, and otherwise tossed aside by it. You can rail against any cause, and you will still be eaten. Alive.

What then, is the point to politicking? Why bother? If there is no permanent escape from it, for most people, what then is a mortal man or woman to do?

Simple: Leave society behind. It really is that simple. And yet, FEAR stops most from doing so. When I post on here, I am not posting on here from anywhere most of you want to be, or could be if you tried. I find that entertaining, but also sad, because I believe (lol) that many of you could unshackle yourselves, if you had the balls to do it.
Right, let me get this straight. You advocate an abandonment of society and politics, yes? If so, you have a fundamental misunderstanding of the basis of society. To understand this, we must look back to the early days of modern humanity, and even animals. Humans formed groups to survive, it is surely obvious that life (particularly human life) cannot sustain itself. A basic form  of strength in unity was established. Those with leadership and strength quickly rose to the top of these groups, and tribal boundaries formed. In the parleying and conflict in these tribes are the basics of politics as we know it. Of course, back then it was politics at the sword's edge. Survival of the fittest. I would not be against a return to a more basic, human form of politics. However, by abandoning society altogether as you suggest we would be turning our back on a system that has functioned remarkably well  for millenia. In short, you're chatting crap.

I enjoyed digesting your informative post, and would like to commend you on giving me your life force.

That being said, you completely (and dare I say? yeah! - contemptuously) missed the fucking point. Entirely.

And, your claim of 'performing remarkably well for eons' is not only asinine, it is borne out of the problem of the life you obviously live. You live comfortably, I assume. You thus believe society works for mankind, because it works for you.

Logical fallacy, but not at all your fault. Many people hold the same skewed worldview because they do not know any better. Ignorance is never a wrong. Willful ignorance is a crime against humanity, and should be strangled whenever found.

In your case, I honestly think you believe what you just said, for the reason I myself just espoused, putting you squarely in the 'cannot help it' category.

There are more than several places on this planet where modern politics and religion, and social norms do not, have not, and may never, exist. The people in these places are doing just fine and dandy. Thus, your argument is null, and suicide is your only recourse.


Yeah, going back to "just fine" is what I've always wanted to do. Screw technological advancements and systems that enable a comfortable and entertaining life, I want to go back to barely knowing how to communicate and knowing fuck all about science and other social advancements! I want to go back to the times when humans constantly killed each other without remorse for personal benefit! I mean shit it sounds dangerous and all and constantly fighting for survival doesn't exactly sound like the best idea but as long as we don't have any of this crummy POLITICS lying around and old white people telling me what to believe because anarchy 4eva amirite guise?

« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:29:28 AM by Blanko »