ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth

  • 110 Replies
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #60 on: February 25, 2017, 09:56:30 AM »
And you talk about moral and logic.
Why I'd the God you talking about outside of these moral and logic?

I cant understand your question.

I believe in the God of the bible.

When was the last time you read it?

If you believe in the Christian God than you do not believe in all the other god's.
I am a very little step further than you, I also do not believe in the God of the Bible.

I did not read it complete from cover to cover but I did read a lot of parts of it.

A very big thing I found in it is:
For the Christians the 10 commandments are very important especially the one what says you shall not kill.
But in the Bible people get killed in the name of God lots of times.
-children that speak against their parents
-eating the wrong food
-believing in a other religion

And God murdered almost all human and animals on earth with a flood.

How does this fit in that moral thing?



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Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #61 on: February 25, 2017, 10:39:11 AM »
And you talk about moral and logic.
Why I'd the God you talking about outside of these moral and logic?

I cant understand your question.

I believe in the God of the bible.

When was the last time you read it?

Give me one good reason to read the bible.

By the way, prove the authenticity of the bible.
How dumb can you be?
I think MH370 was hijacked and the persons who did the hijacking were indeed out to prove a flat earth.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #62 on: February 25, 2017, 10:48:32 AM »
And you talk about moral and logic.
Why I'd the God you talking about outside of these moral and logic?

I cant understand your question.

I believe in the God of the bible.

When was the last time you read it?

Give me one good reason to read the bible.

By the way, prove the authenticity of the bible.

I find it importend to read the Bible to understand what kind of BS is written there and how it contradicts itself a lots of times.

Researches of the Bible shows that it is written by various people in very different times.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #63 on: February 25, 2017, 11:00:34 AM »
And you talk about moral and logic.
Why I'd the God you talking about outside of these moral and logic?

I cant understand your question.

I believe in the God of the bible.

When was the last time you read it?

If you believe in the Christian God than you do not believe in all the other god's.
I am a very little step further than you, I also do not believe in the God of the Bible.

I did not read it complete from cover to cover but I did read a lot of parts of it.

A very big thing I found in it is:
For the Christians the 10 commandments are very important especially the one what says you shall not kill.
But in the Bible people get killed in the name of God lots of times.
-children that speak against their parents
-eating the wrong food
-believing in a other religion

And God murdered almost all human and animals on earth with a flood.

How does this fit in that moral thing?

Christian god, Jewish god, Muslim god, Hindu god, ..... so many gods!
Do they fight together, or are they in good terms unlike us?
Does each and every one of them have his own kingdom and territory?
Do they have differences in opinion about human fate in general, or is each god assigned to a certain group of people?
Can we expect them to have a difference in opinion and maybe fight over an issue, and see flying planets thrown from different directions?
Do they have a council to resolve disputes?
Would that council have a president like or a leader or maybe one of the elderly?
Would that elder be the one and only God?
If he is so, why would he need other gods beside him if he's capable of controlling everything?

Could the problem be in us when each & every individual start proclaiming the possession of that higher deity/ God, like a trade mark - a property of him & of his followers?
God—the knower—is non-dimensional.
God's thinking is two-dimensional.
God's creative actions are three-dimensional.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #64 on: February 25, 2017, 11:17:07 AM »
And you talk about moral and logic.
Why I'd the God you talking about outside of these moral and logic?

I cant understand your question.

I believe in the God of the bible.

When was the last time you read it?

If you believe in the Christian God than you do not believe in all the other god's.
I am a very little step further than you, I also do not believe in the God of the Bible.

I did not read it complete from cover to cover but I did read a lot of parts of it.

A very big thing I found in it is:
For the Christians the 10 commandments are very important especially the one what says you shall not kill.
But in the Bible people get killed in the name of God lots of times.
-children that speak against their parents
-eating the wrong food
-believing in a other religion

And God murdered almost all human and animals on earth with a flood.

How does this fit in that moral thing?

Christian god, Jewish god, Muslim god, Hindu god, ..... so many gods!
Do they fight together, or are they in good terms unlike us?
Does each and every one of them have his own kingdom and territory?
Do they have differences in opinion about human fate in general, or is each god assigned to a certain group of people?
Can we expect them to have a difference in opinion and maybe fight over an issue, and see flying planets thrown from different directions?
Do they have a council to resolve disputes?
Would that council have a president like or a leader or maybe one of the elderly?
Would that elder be the one and only God?
If he is so, why would he need other gods beside him if he's capable of controlling everything?

Could the problem be in us when each & every individual start proclaiming the possession of that higher deity/ God, like a trade mark - a property of him & of his followers?

Than you also imply that the Bible is wrong because in there it is said that there is only one God and if somebody who believes in a different religion shall be killed (Deuteronomy 17:2-5)

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #65 on: February 25, 2017, 12:04:52 PM »
In their scheme to hide god and his workings from us, The Roman Catholic Church - one of the first western bodies of power to take the banner of the globular pigswash that today eager students drink up,  has also hidden from us the truth about astrology.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss why and how this plays into their plans to hide God from us, if such plans exist, and how we might move forward with this knowledge. First to accomplish this nobel goal we must take on us the argument of whether Astrology is indeed a valid view of thought, whether its enemies (science and the Catholic church) acted rationally in their acceptance of it, and finally what their motives will be.  We start here at part I:


The Scientific Call To War: A Manifesto For Learned Men
Feyerabend, and others, report that in the October 1975 issue of the Humanist, 186 scientists - including a generous handful of Nobel Prize winners mind you - signed a manifesto against Astrology. They talk a great many words, and proudly proclaim astrology bunk with little to no argument. More than this, they include 186 signatures; if it was not clear the argument was not given, it should be when one considers the question - 'why so many signatures if their argument could be shown?'

 They are not interested in learned subjects here clearly - they act religiously. Now, mind you when I say religiously here what I, like the average globularist, actually mean is dogmatically; this is in contra-distinction to the definition I so often lean to from William James which I hold in the more general and less specific sense.

They are clearly trying to delude the mind of the common man with their position of power. Some have gone so far as to show the structure of this document was a replica of the Roman Catholic book on witchcraft. We will now destroy these myths, and publicly humiliate all those great men who signed such a ridiculous document. No, we will be kind enough not to 'name names.'

The Obvious Truth
Let us set aside now greater matters - that of the shape of the earth - and examine only those at hand. Don't worry flatists - we will come full circle and address the elephant in the room. The arguments presented will assume neither side, yet will fit the common flat earth model as well as the globular one. First we will turn to the definition presented here.

'the assumption that celestial events such as the positions of the planets, of the moon, of the sun influence human affairs'

This is the definition we will use for astrology. Here the avid Christian might laugh - there is no doubt from biblical context that these bodies indeed influence the earth. However, we march bravely on and face the fool on his own hill.

There is no doubt to the always staunt scientist that the heavenly bodies have a body of plasmas that are in a delicate balance with that of the sun. This of course is influenced by the relative placement of the planets - flat or round. For example, Bill Nye might find himself quite titillated at the thought that this interaction - and careful knowledge of the system at hand and the positions of the planets can predict solar disturbances with ridiculous clarity, in model independent mathematics. DeGrace just wouldn't know what he was looking at, but we all know what a silly man he is.

Further more, solar activity - and lunar as we know from other sources - has an almost all invasive hold on not only the basic functions of life itself, but of even chemical reactions. Though we've always known this; at least since Plato. More recently, the electric potential of trees depends not only on the activity of the sun, but on flares - which obviously tie to the position of the planets.

If you are an older fellow you might even remember the harvest moon - or not to put fish out in the dark of night. Now a days we go mad for 'super moons'.  Or heck, the interested fellow can direct himself to the nearest hospital. Here, he or she may ask the staff bluntly - 'do the crazies come out on the full moon?' This has particular effect on an actual full moon.

There is no doubt that any reasonable or reasonable led force (such as evolution) would lead us to a state that is not to appear as random chance and to appear created.

The effects of the moon are discussed in this forum at length. The effects, now, of the sun have been shown sufficiently or can be found by those interested. Or one can save their 20$ and simply use their common sense - of course the position of the sun, and thus the other planets, affect our lives.

Is there not always a chaos to the order? What of Sierpinski and his marvelous triangle? Even but a smidgen of order or evolution or holiness introduced into a chaotic system brings upon that system its own order - such that it can realize even in a pyramid of triangles in the simplest case. I digress...

There is no doubt the seasons affect our disposition. So much so, the ever growing book of psychological disorders now includes disorders for each season! The tale of astrology seems a little more likely, once we start talking about it discretely, doesn't it?

I do not have a physical copy, but it has been widely distributed. I source Feyerabend rather than others like Kurtz because I lean on some of his arguments - however the article is fairly well known and referenced in many astrological apologetics. I have reproduced it below:

Objections to Astrology

A Statement by 186 Leading Scientists

(The following statement first appeared in The Humanist of September/October 1975.)
Scientists in a variety of fields have become concerned about the increased acceptance of astrology in many parts of the world. We, the undersigned--astronomers, astrophysicists, and scientists in other fields--wish to caution the public against the unquestioning acceptance of the predictions and advice given privately and publicly by astrologers. Those who wish to believe in astrology should realize that there is no scientific foundation for its tenets.

In ancient times people believed in the predictions and advice of astrologers because astrology was part and parcel of their magical world view. They looked upon celestial objects as abodes or omens of the gods and, thus, intimately connected with events here on earth; they had no concept of the vast distances from the earth to the planets and stars. Now that these distances can and have been calculated, we can see how infinitesimally small are the gravitational and other effects produced by the distant planets and the far more distant stars. It is simply a mistake to imagine that the forces exerted by stars and planets at the moment of birth can in any way shape our futures. Neither is it true that the position of distant heavenly bodies make certain days or periods more favorable to particular kinds of action, or that the sign under which one was born determines one's compatibility or incompatibility with other people.

Why do people believe in astrology? In these uncertain times many long for the comfort of having guidance in making decisions. They would like to believe in a destiny predetermined by astral forces beyond their control. However, we must all face the world, and we must realize that our futures lie in ourselves, and not in the stars.

One would imagine, in this day of widespread enlightenment and education, that it would be unnecessary to debunk beliefs based on magic and superstition. Yet, acceptance of astrology pervades modern society. We are especially disturbed by the continued uncritical dissemination of astrological charts, forecasts, and horoscopes by the media and by otherwise reputable newspapers, magazines, and book publishers. This can only contribute to the growth of irrationalism and obscurantism. We believe that the time has come to challenge directly, and forcefully, the pretentious claims of astrological charlatans.

It should be apparent that those individuals who continue to have faith in astrology do so in spite of the fact that there is no verified scientific basis for their beliefs, and indeed that there is strong evidence to the contrary.

Sponsoring Committee

(Affiliations, as of 1975, given for identification only.)

Bart J. Bok, emeritus
Professor of Astronomy
University of Arizona

Lawrence E. Jerome
Science Writer
Santa Clara, California

Paul Kurtz
Professor of Philosophy
SUNY at Buffalo
Signed by 183 others, including 18 Nobel Prizewinners

The fact of the matter is that many of these signees know nothing about the subject matter which they claim false - this is evidenced by interviews with the subjects after the fact. Our friends at the BBC attempted to interview many of these nobel prizewinners and they declined - stating that they knew nothing of astrology and never studied it. Not only this, but within they make wild claims that 'In ancient times people believed in the predictions and advice of astrologers because astrology was part and parcel of their magical world view.' Where exactly did these men come by their convictions here? Not a one of them is an anthropologist...

Furthermore, I have shown with little to no effort that their base statement: "It is simply a mistake to imagine that the forces exerted by stars and planets at the moment of birth can in any way shape our futures" is complete bullocks. No argument is given here, except religious declaration, which I have shown false by simple use of solar flares.

Let us continue to show these men as religious nut jobs.

Oysters open and close their shells based on lunar events. Potatoes as well have their own lunar period. And man? what of him? Well, for one, solar flares have been linked to higher rates of cancer in pilots and astro'nots'. Some have even seen a brilliant flash of light due to them! This is an obvious fact. Standford goes so far as to call it 'space weather.' There is also no doubt that the movement of the heavenly bodies affects our seasons. Many insects are also affected by the heavenly bodies. One simply needs to shake a stick to find it pointing towards more evidence.

However, to full attack the claim "it is a mistake to imagine... [the] stars and planets at the moment of birth can in any way shape our futures" let us look at a 2012 study by Queen Mary University, London. In it, we see that month of birth indeed played quite the role in a great many lives. Winter babies are at the greatest risk for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder; spring babies depression. Other months show lows for these traits, thus again providing a correlative link between the planets locations and the 'shape of our futures'.

You can hardly pick out a sentence without finding complete bullocks. "They would like to believe in a destiny predetermined by astral forces beyond their control. " Is it not quite the popular opinion among scientists, and demonstrably some of those signees, that determinism is a valid point of view?

Have you ever heard of astrotheology? Astrotheology deals with the rotation of the heavens above us, and how they have an effect on earth's physical phenomenon. You'll also discover why the Mayan calendar ended in 2012. You'll also begin understanding the mythological Moses exodus from Egypt. Astrology is the religious{for lack of a better word}, component of astrotheology. It was probably the Mayans that gave us astrology, for they had some complicated charts that each person received upon their birth. These charts directed what the individual did for the rest of their lives.



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #66 on: February 25, 2017, 12:34:32 PM »
And you talk about moral and logic.
Why I'd the God you talking about outside of these moral and logic?

I cant understand your question.

I believe in the God of the bible.

When was the last time you read it?

If you believe in the Christian God than you do not believe in all the other god's.
I am a very little step further than you, I also do not believe in the God of the Bible.

I did not read it complete from cover to cover but I did read a lot of parts of it.

A very big thing I found in it is:
For the Christians the 10 commandments are very important especially the one what says you shall not kill.
But in the Bible people get killed in the name of God lots of times.
-children that speak against their parents
-eating the wrong food
-believing in a other religion

And God murdered almost all human and animals on earth with a flood.

How does this fit in that moral thing?

That list applies only to Jews. Read the Bible! Youre taking things out of context!

Also tell me, whats the difference between the "Christian God" and the "Jewish God".

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #67 on: February 25, 2017, 12:40:43 PM »
Quote from: Arealhumanbeing

That list applies only to Jews. Read the Bible! Youre taking things out of context!

Also tell me, whats the difference between the "Christian God" and the "Jewish God".

These points in the list are in the Christian bible.
If they are in the Jewish Tora, that I do not know.

The Christian religion toke a lot storys from the Jewish religion. Because the Jewish religion is older than the Christian.

For me both are not different because they both do not exist.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2017, 12:52:33 PM by Canadabear »



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Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #68 on: February 25, 2017, 12:50:15 PM »
I feel sorry for the christians.

Their parents love god above all things, so, their children come second, best case scenario!

It's hard to be less loved than a fictional character.

And any person that puts their children in second place is not only cruel but also a complete moron.
How dumb can you be?
I think MH370 was hijacked and the persons who did the hijacking were indeed out to prove a flat earth.



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #69 on: February 25, 2017, 05:40:37 PM »
I feel sorry for those who do not believe in God. They struggle through life and question why.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #70 on: February 25, 2017, 06:51:04 PM »
I feel sorry for those who do not believe in God. They struggle through life and question why.

For me you do not feel sorry. I do not struggle thru my live.
I do not kneel for a imaginary being and beg for some forgiveness. I do not thank a a imaginary being if something good happening, I can thank these who really did the good thing. Like if a person get cured from a sickness I can thank the doctors for the cure and not a imaginary being.

Think about it if something good happens you thank God, do you also blame him if something bad happens?



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Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #71 on: February 26, 2017, 12:08:31 AM »
I feel sorry for those who do not believe in God. They struggle through life and question why.

Wrong again. But try to prove that.

By the way did mommy prefer baby jesus to you?
Did mommy spend more time on her knees praying than playing with you?
How dumb can you be?
I think MH370 was hijacked and the persons who did the hijacking were indeed out to prove a flat earth.



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #72 on: February 26, 2017, 05:16:44 AM »
Wow! A well thought out, mature response.

Youre really just proving my point you know that?

Keep struggling to offend people that dont agree with your worldviews, Gumby, that seems to be your purpose here right?

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #73 on: February 26, 2017, 06:16:56 AM »
I feel sorry for the christians.

Their parents love god above all things, so, their children come second, best case scenario!

It's hard to be less loved than a fictional character.

And any person that puts their children in second place is not only cruel but also a complete moron.

"Their parents love god above all things, so, their children come second, best case scenario!"

Wow, did you nail the hammer on the head on that one! I mean, just look at the example of Abraham and Isaac.

Think about this, the God of the Bible asked Abraham to sacrifice his son to him, yet that same God condemned parents that sacrificed their children to the God Molech. Yeah, the God of the OT had some major personality disorders! Jealousy, anger, rage, and sometimes acting out, then regretting it later, manipulative, demanding certain behaviors, then acting the opposite. The God of the OT was one of the worse war mongers ever! Even using biological warfare.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #74 on: February 26, 2017, 07:41:21 AM »
I feel sorry for those who do not believe in God. They struggle through life and question why.

No they really don't.

They lives their lives in the present knowing this is the only life they will have.

I feel sorry for religious people as it is apparent you need a god to give your own life meaning.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.



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Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #75 on: February 26, 2017, 08:16:32 AM »
Wow! A well thought out, mature response.

Youre really just proving my point you know that?

Keep struggling to offend people that dont agree with your worldviews, Gumby, that seems to be your purpose here right?

Just grow up! There is no santa. Prayer doesn't work.
How dumb can you be?
I think MH370 was hijacked and the persons who did the hijacking were indeed out to prove a flat earth.



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #76 on: February 26, 2017, 11:40:00 AM »
Youre right, it doesnt work if you keep sinning and disobey God. Why would he listen to people who dont listen to him!?

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #77 on: February 26, 2017, 12:18:14 PM »
Youre right, it doesnt work if you keep sinning and disobey God. Why would he listen to people who dont listen to him!?

And how to listen to an imaginary being?
And btw. murder is a sin than God is the biggest sinner ever.



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Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #78 on: February 26, 2017, 02:16:15 PM »
I use a black mirror.
Quote from: Stash
I'm anti-judaism.

Quote from: Space Cowgirl
Whose narrative is it to not believe the government?

Quote from: Wolvaccine
speech should be a privilege. Not a right.



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #79 on: February 26, 2017, 02:18:21 PM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #80 on: February 26, 2017, 02:24:16 PM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

There are dragons on flags and currencies worldwide. They're not real.
Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by ignorance or stupidity.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #81 on: February 26, 2017, 02:44:41 PM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

If I would follow the Bible I would have a lot killing to do:
-homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
-children cursing their parents (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
-everybody commit adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
-people working on sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

Only to mention a few things.



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #82 on: February 26, 2017, 06:21:19 PM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

If I would follow the Bible I would have a lot killing to do:
-homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
-children cursing their parents (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
-everybody commit adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
-people working on sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

Only to mention a few things.

Are you Jewish? If not, many of those rules do not apply.Try actually comprehending the entiretiy of the Bible for a change, and not just nitpick excerpts that fit your biased view.

Homosexuals - Killing them is only a law from God for the nation of Isreal, not gentile Christians.

Children cursing parents - Same as homosexuals, it was a law for the nation is Israel alone.

Adultery - This applies to both Jews and gentiles. Are you in favor of someone having sex with your wife? Do you think thats ok? Or looking with lust upon her? Why did you list adultery like its a far fetched, hard to adhere to law?

Sabbath - God commands rest, do you have a problem with that as well?

So no, if you seriosuly decided to change your life and live for the glory of God, you wouldnt have alot of killing to do, unless you try to be a biblical jew, then you might, but no jewish person I know actually follows all the rules they are supposed to, and now you know why - theyde have a lot of killing to do.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #83 on: February 27, 2017, 02:26:48 AM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

If I would follow the Bible I would have a lot killing to do:
-homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
-children cursing their parents (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
-everybody commit adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
-people working on sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

Only to mention a few things.

Are you Jewish? If not, many of those rules do not apply.Try actually comprehending the entiretiy of the Bible for a change, and not just nitpick excerpts that fit your biased view.

Homosexuals - Killing them is only a law from God for the nation of Isreal, not gentile Christians.

Children cursing parents - Same as homosexuals, it was a law for the nation is Israel alone.

Adultery - This applies to both Jews and gentiles. Are you in favor of someone having sex with your wife? Do you think thats ok? Or looking with lust upon her? Why did you list adultery like its a far fetched, hard to adhere to law?

Sabbath - God commands rest, do you have a problem with that as well?

So no, if you seriosuly decided to change your life and live for the glory of God, you wouldnt have alot of killing to do, unless you try to be a biblical jew, then you might, but no jewish person I know actually follows all the rules they are supposed to, and now you know why - theyde have a lot of killing to do.

All that is from the Bible not from the Tora.
I did not write that I find adultery ok I wrote that in the Bible it is written the you have to kill homosexuals, cursing children, people who commit adultery and people who work on sabbath.
And you last sentence is very disturbing.
Do you really think that jews that live by their Tora are more likely to be murder than people that live by the Bible.
I rather not say here what I than would think of you.



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Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #84 on: February 27, 2017, 04:27:42 AM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

Around here the law is based on roman law, not on the bible.

Apart the US money I never saw references to religion on currency (and I have seen a few).

So it seems you are wong again! And quoting an wise man two wongs don't make one white!
How dumb can you be?
I think MH370 was hijacked and the persons who did the hijacking were indeed out to prove a flat earth.



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #85 on: February 27, 2017, 06:34:17 AM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

If I would follow the Bible I would have a lot killing to do:
-homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
-children cursing their parents (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
-everybody commit adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
-people working on sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

Only to mention a few things.

Are you Jewish? If not, many of those rules do not apply.Try actually comprehending the entiretiy of the Bible for a change, and not just nitpick excerpts that fit your biased view.

Homosexuals - Killing them is only a law from God for the nation of Isreal, not gentile Christians.

Children cursing parents - Same as homosexuals, it was a law for the nation is Israel alone.

Adultery - This applies to both Jews and gentiles. Are you in favor of someone having sex with your wife? Do you think thats ok? Or looking with lust upon her? Why did you list adultery like its a far fetched, hard to adhere to law?

Sabbath - God commands rest, do you have a problem with that as well?

So no, if you seriosuly decided to change your life and live for the glory of God, you wouldnt have alot of killing to do, unless you try to be a biblical jew, then you might, but no jewish person I know actually follows all the rules they are supposed to, and now you know why - theyde have a lot of killing to do.

All that is from the Bible not from the Tora
I did not write that I find adultery ok I wrote that in the Bible it is written the you have to kill homosexuals, cursing children, people who commit adultery and people who work on sabbath.
And you last sentence is very disturbing.
Do you really think that jews that live by their Tora are more likely to be murder than people that live by the Bible.
I rather not say here what I than would think of you.

You do realize that the Torah is just the first five books of the Old Testament Bible. The Torah is the Bible.

So yes, if all Jews were actually following their scriptures, they are SUPPOSED to be kiling homosexuals, cursing children and the like.

But they dont! They dont even follow any other rule either, many Jews eat bacon, work on saturdays, curse often, get drunk, have sex outside of marriage, their all about sin sin sin. Just like many professing Christians!

This world is just full of people who aknowledge the existance of God, yet lack the will to actually obey him. They obey the doctrine of man instead.

Its about time that people woke up from their inequity and began a new age, which i believe starts with the dismantling and dismemberment of the Freemasons. They promote wickedness.

Fear no man,
Fear God.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #86 on: February 27, 2017, 06:40:41 AM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

If I would follow the Bible I would have a lot killing to do:
-homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
-children cursing their parents (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
-everybody commit adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
-people working on sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

Only to mention a few things.

Are you Jewish? If not, many of those rules do not apply.Try actually comprehending the entiretiy of the Bible for a change, and not just nitpick excerpts that fit your biased view.

Homosexuals - Killing them is only a law from God for the nation of Isreal, not gentile Christians.

Children cursing parents - Same as homosexuals, it was a law for the nation is Israel alone.

Adultery - This applies to both Jews and gentiles. Are you in favor of someone having sex with your wife? Do you think thats ok? Or looking with lust upon her? Why did you list adultery like its a far fetched, hard to adhere to law?

Sabbath - God commands rest, do you have a problem with that as well?

So no, if you seriosuly decided to change your life and live for the glory of God, you wouldnt have alot of killing to do, unless you try to be a biblical jew, then you might, but no jewish person I know actually follows all the rules they are supposed to, and now you know why - theyde have a lot of killing to do.

All that is from the Bible not from the Tora
I did not write that I find adultery ok I wrote that in the Bible it is written the you have to kill homosexuals, cursing children, people who commit adultery and people who work on sabbath.
And you last sentence is very disturbing.
Do you really think that jews that live by their Tora are more likely to be murder than people that live by the Bible.
I rather not say here what I than would think of you.

You do realize that the Torah is just the first five books of the Old Testament Bible. The Torah is the Bible.

So yes, if all Jews were actually following their scriptures, they are SUPPOSED to be kiling homosexuals, cursing children and the like.

But they dont! They dont even follow any other rule either, many Jews eat bacon, work on saturdays, curse often, get drunk, have sex outside of marriage, their all about sin sin sin. Just like many professing Christians!

This world is just full of people who aknowledge the existance of God, yet lack the will to actually obey him. They obey the doctrine of man instead.

Its about time that people woke up from their inequity and began a new age, which i believe starts with the dismantling and dismemberment of the Freemasons. They promote wickedness.

Fear no man,
Fear God.

wow for that you say your are living according to the bible a obeying it you have not very much knowledge of the bible.
or even a knowledge about anything.



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution
Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #87 on: February 27, 2017, 06:49:32 AM »
Read the Bible, it tells you how to listen to God.

Or you could blindly follow whatever false belief you have.

I mean its not like Gods important or anything...

Its not like all of our societies rules are based on the Bible.

Its not like the word God is written on currency all around the world.

So yeah, its just imaginary right?


"Fools say to themselves there is no God". - Psalm 14-1

If I would follow the Bible I would have a lot killing to do:
-homosexuals (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)
-children cursing their parents (Leviticus 20:9 NLT)
-everybody commit adultery (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)
-people working on sabbath (Exodus 31:12-15 NLT)

Only to mention a few things.

Are you Jewish? If not, many of those rules do not apply.Try actually comprehending the entiretiy of the Bible for a change, and not just nitpick excerpts that fit your biased view.

Homosexuals - Killing them is only a law from God for the nation of Isreal, not gentile Christians.

Children cursing parents - Same as homosexuals, it was a law for the nation is Israel alone.

Adultery - This applies to both Jews and gentiles. Are you in favor of someone having sex with your wife? Do you think thats ok? Or looking with lust upon her? Why did you list adultery like its a far fetched, hard to adhere to law?

Sabbath - God commands rest, do you have a problem with that as well?

So no, if you seriosuly decided to change your life and live for the glory of God, you wouldnt have alot of killing to do, unless you try to be a biblical jew, then you might, but no jewish person I know actually follows all the rules they are supposed to, and now you know why - theyde have a lot of killing to do.

All that is from the Bible not from the Tora
I did not write that I find adultery ok I wrote that in the Bible it is written the you have to kill homosexuals, cursing children, people who commit adultery and people who work on sabbath.
And you last sentence is very disturbing.
Do you really think that jews that live by their Tora are more likely to be murder than people that live by the Bible.
I rather not say here what I than would think of you.

You do realize that the Torah is just the first five books of the Old Testament Bible. The Torah is the Bible.

So yes, if all Jews were actually following their scriptures, they are SUPPOSED to be kiling homosexuals, cursing children and the like.

But they dont! They dont even follow any other rule either, many Jews eat bacon, work on saturdays, curse often, get drunk, have sex outside of marriage, their all about sin sin sin. Just like many professing Christians!

This world is just full of people who aknowledge the existance of God, yet lack the will to actually obey him. They obey the doctrine of man instead.

Its about time that people woke up from their inequity and began a new age, which i believe starts with the dismantling and dismemberment of the Freemasons. They promote wickedness.

Fear no man,
Fear God.

wow for that you say your are living according to the bible a obeying it you have not very much knowledge of the bible.
or even a knowledge about anything.

The fools response speaks for itself.

Feel free to provide proof that I am wrong instead of typing inane babble.

Read the Bible.
Its enlightening.

Re: ASTROLOGY and the Flat Earth
« Reply #88 on: February 27, 2017, 07:53:31 AM »

The fools response speaks for itself.

Feel free to provide proof that I am wrong instead of typing inane babble.

Read the Bible.
Its enlightening.

i did read the bible and it is full of stuff that is physical impossible.
and also extremely stupid stuff that makes no logic at all.

and like as i already saied full of murder, rape, slavery, genocide...



  • 1474
  • Leader of the Second American Revolution