Controlled opposition

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Re: Controlled opposition
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2018, 04:28:36 AM »
If I was trying to deceive people, would I not have deleted my early posts from back before I saw the light?  The fact that I have studied flat Earth theory and came to the conclusion that the Earth is, in fact, flat, after giving up my roundy indoctrination should, in and of itself, be a sign of my ingenuous nature.

The earth is spherically shaped and stationary.
A) Southern circumpolar stars
B) Time zones
C) Path of the sun during southern summer (which is inconsistent with flat-earth paradigm)
D) Antarctic midnight sun phenomena (which is real)
E) The sun follows perfectly straight line above the equator during equinoxes
F) Scott and Amundsen used astronavigation to determine the exact location of the south pole
G)  During the full moon the sun and the moon are always in opposition, and that is the fact -- This proof is very simple and irrefutable, unless someone is able to prove that there are two suns in the sky...While the sun sets SOUTH of Lemaire channel (that is to say SOUTH of Cape Horn), the same sun in the same time is visible almost directly NORTH of South West Australia and almost directly SOUTH of this area : Japan/Korea/China... So it is NOON in Japan and Australia and THE MIDNIGHT SUN is visible for the observer in Lemaire channel which is directly SOUTH of Cape Horn...So, an observer who is positioned in Lemaire channel is able to see the setting sun by looking straight to the south, and that same sun is visible for the observers in Korea and China who are looking also towards south, and that same sun is visible for the observer in Australia who is looking towards North!!! Do you see why is this impossible to happen on the flat earth??? On a flat earth the full moon would be between an observer in Lemaire channel and the setting sun, which means that an observer in Lemarie channel would have to watch towards NORTH in order to see the sun which would be at the double distance than the full moon, however observer is seeing the full moon by looking to the NORTH, and the setting MIDNIGHT sun is visible in the SOUTH direction!!!  There is simply no way around this - (ACCOMPANYING VIDEO : "Eric Dumbay's 201st proof-make it viral or stay dumb" :)
H) If the earth were flat, the flat earth map SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY EASY to make. Many have tried already, and all of them terribly failed. How hard is to infer (correctly) why no one can draw functional flat earth map WITH ABSOLUTE  EASINESS on the flat sheet of paper??? If the earth is flat and flat sheet of paper is also flat all you have to deal with is to scale down the real face of the earth, isn't that so???
I) The earth can't be way bigger spherical object since from the North Pole to the equator is 10 000 km, however if the earth were flat then the distance from the North Pole to the equator would be 6369 km. - There  are  90  degrees  of  distance  from  the equator  to  the  North  Pole.  Each  degree  has  60 minutes, each minute = 1 nautical mile, therefore 60 x 90 = 5,400 nautical miles = 10 000 km. Btw, what would be meaning of the word EQUATOR on the flat earth?
J) And lastly, but not least (the question which i am bringing forward to my former flat-earth mates - IN VAIN) : Tell me the name of one (JUST ONE) prominent western scientist (who was born in the last 2500 years) who believed that the earth is flat? Can you imagine conspiracy of that scale? Is the conspiracy of such magnitude even possible, what do you think?
K) A challenge to all flat-earthers (brought forward before them many times in last few months - NO ANSWER FROM THEM WHATSOEVER (SO FAR) - IT FIGURES!!!) : PROVE ME WRONG AND I AM GOING TO SHUT DOWN MY CHANNEL RIGHT AWAY!!! :)
"I can't breathe" George Floyd RIP

Re: Controlled opposition
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2018, 11:38:52 AM »
If I was trying to deceive people, would I not have deleted my early posts from back before I saw the light?  The fact that I have studied flat Earth theory and came to the conclusion that the Earth is, in fact, flat, after giving up my roundy indoctrination should, in and of itself, be a sign of my ingenuous nature.

That’s a fair point.

What I don’t understand is why they stick around, those flatties who think this site is controlled opposition?  Why not leave, form your own website, reject the false flatties? 


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Re: Controlled opposition
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2018, 12:41:59 PM »
Have you seen Eric Booby's ifers forum?  It is a circle jerk of flat Earther's and even they get banned. 



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Re: Controlled opposition
« Reply #33 on: February 17, 2018, 12:44:14 PM »
The earth is spherically shaped and stationary.
Was that last part just for the one claim or in general?
You have been proven wrong numerous times.
You are yet to substantiate your claim that Earth is stationary.