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Topics - jordan_bigandround

Pages: [1]
Flat Earth Q&A / Explain this
« on: April 04, 2007, 03:43:31 PM »
O.k guys I am dead serious I'm doing an English project on any society I want, and guess what I chose yours because its the funniest , so please answer these questions (so please keep in mind I will be printing this page for the project)

How did you even think of all this?
like where the hell did you guys come up with this concept? (or did you just pull it out of your ass)
How is the government going to make money of this?
If they did have this huge huge cover up round earth thing wouldn't they of shut your forum down by now?
Could the Bermuda Triangle be a cover up for missing boats and plains that actually saw the "ice wall"?
Do you have any proof the clouds don't exist?
We have proof the earth is round, what do you have to proof the earth isn't?
What do your mothers think?

Flat Earth Q&A / Nothing makes sense
« on: April 04, 2007, 08:34:49 AM »
Why do you people ignore all scientific facts, that were made by REAL scientists about the earth being round, while people, whether you are taxi drivers or geography teachers make up your own theory shit, without ever having been in space or without any backkground experience, and you say that it is right. How does that work? How can you ignore facts from REAL scientists and claim that your own make more sense, even though you have NO background experience/knowledge.

For example, did anyone ever go into outerspace and claim the earth was flat? No. Did anyone ever feel the earth moving up slowly to create gravity? No. Yet there have been people who have been to outerspace and saw the earth round, and they have studied the gravity using scientific formula's.  Andd you people ignore all those facts and say that your own consiracy bullshit makes more sense.

Flat Earth Debate / hey guys
« on: April 03, 2007, 11:11:37 AM »
hey i am on the ice wall right now big time, its called Canada  :-*

Flat Earth Debate / FE'er 4 lyfe
« on: April 03, 2007, 11:03:17 AM »
1.Ignore all research and studies done that go against you.  When you can do this, say the results somehow help your cause.  And believe in experiments that can't be reproduced and get the same results.
2.Close your eyes when there is an eclipse and any other action that would fall in the astronomy category.
3.Be anti physics.  Magical forces are ok, but simple answers  that use basic physics are not. 
4.Calm to know whats happing in Earth:Not a globe, but not be able to paraphrase even one experiment because you actually don't know what it means. 
5.Claim the world is only what you can see with your eyes. 
6.Ignore all the hard questions.  Also don't go back to threads after you posted some random BS.
7.Claim air is blue. 
8.Believe a 100 foot wall that no one has ever seen, can keep in the whole atmosphere.
9.Think everything is a conspiracy.  Your car didn't start this morning because there is a secret government plot, not because your battery is dead.

and he forgot 10. If you cant explain somthing why its there that goes with the falt earth theory say it isn't real or it doesnt exsist

you know hitler thought the earth was flat..... You dont support hitler do you?

Flat Earth Q&A / Woah it makes so much sence now
« on: April 02, 2007, 11:21:59 AM »
you guys make so much sence i can see how the goverment would want to say the earth is round to make taxes and make lost of money off it. plus how all other countries would want to as well, this is ground breaking.

911 inside job, they are trying to make us think about how the earth
is not round. I think we should all get together and dig a  hole "To the other side" and proove its flat!! once and for all we will dig and proove this!

I was masterbating to this when i read it, becuase i am normal and i'm not crazy or far fetched

a round earth? get real!
albert eistein once wrote the earth is flat. The goverment killed him for this and wich is why he is dead. I live in franklyn blv. So what to you say chums lets get together and dig for freedom. and we can all masterbate together as one in the hole!

I think the goverment are pricks.

But there is one problem boys this is why people think we're a joke
4 elephents and a turtle? what is that?
it would actualy have to be five elehpents, i dont need to explaine why but i think it is pretty obvious
long live ice wall!

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