News and administrative announcements about the website and The Flat Earth Society. |
Suggestions & Concerns
For any suggestions or problems you may have related to the forum or the Society in general. Child Boards: Technical Support |
Flat Earth General
For the discussion of any FE topics unrelated to Flat Earth Theory. FE conspiracy topics belong here. |
Flat Earth Q&A
If you're new to the site and want to know more about Flat Earth Theory, this is the place to start. |
Flat Earth Debate
This board is reserved for debates on Flat Earth Theory. Please note that it is strictly moderated! |
Flat Earth Believers
A board for debate and discussion among Flat Earth Believers. |
Flat Earth Information Repository
Post articles, newsletters, and any other information pertaining to Flat Earth Theory or The Flat Earth Society. |
The Lounge
A place where users can introduce themselves or talk about anything that doesn't fit in the other boards. Light chat and socialising are encouraged! |
Arts & Entertainment
For the discussion of any and all forms of art or entertainment: cinema, literature, TV, sports, video games, the fine arts, etc. |
Philosophy, Religion & Society
For the discussion of philosophy, society, politics, history, religion, and other controversial issues. |
Technology, Science & Alt Science
For the discussion of technology, science, and alternative science. |
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