How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)

  • 177 Replies
NASA wields a large amount of evidence that the earth is round.  Therefore, in order for the flat earth model to work, NASA must be lying about what they've actually done.  Not only NASA, but any moderately advanced space agency in the world.

Unfortunately, the list doesn't stop there so easily.  People claim that GPS is possible without satellites.  Well, then why does my GPS unit say that it uses satellites?  This must mean that all of the GPS manufacturers are also lying.

What about other private companies?  Well, there's SpaceX and Space Adventures.  They also have to be lying, even though SpaceX is run by Elon Musk, the founder of other well-known companies like PayPal and Tesla (he doesn't run PayPal anymore though).

Makers of satellite phones also have to be lying.

Astrophysicists studying the cosmic microwave background also have to be lying, as a critical experiment measuring the CMB was conducted by sending a probe around antarctica (if you think antarctica is just a giant ice wall surrounding the earth) must also be lying, despite their results matching up with the results of other groups studying this.  So they must all be lying too.

Richard Branson and the entirety of Virgin Galactic must also be lying.

Boeing, Lockheed Martin, OHB-System, Thales Alenia Space, JSC Information Satellite Systems, Astrium Satellites, and Loral Space & Communications, all companies that claim to manufacture satellites, must also be lying, yet somehow staying in business.

Please update the wiki with these companies and industries, as the only reasonable explanation for the flat earth hypothesis is that they are all part of the global conspiracy.

We're getting closer to unmasking the true face of these faceless lying scum!  All of them.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 08:28:19 PM by Levi Dettwyler »

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2013, 08:31:38 PM »
Organized religion is the real conspiracy.



  • 113
  • Me and Mully
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2013, 08:42:26 PM »
1. Every space agency, most governments and national military forces; particularly those of the 60 or so countries that claim to have/have had their own satellite in space.
2. Every aerospace company.
3. Universities involved in aerospace projects.
4. Airlines and pilots.
5. The guy who sets-up your satellite dish.
6. Computer graphic artists involved in the creation of fake photos and videos.
7. People who claim to perform moonbounces/EME communication or other forms of lunar range-finding.

Surely more I haven't thought of now ???
I don't want to believe.

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2013, 08:44:19 PM »
Let's help the flat earth society out!  Keep building the list for the wiki!

Edit: oh, don't forget about everyone in the military that helps to operate military satellites to gather intel and such.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 09:00:29 PM by Levi Dettwyler »

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2013, 11:11:36 PM »
why would any 'institutions' be 'in on it'?

the advantage of, and need for, the general perceptions of any person that denies belief in the orthodox earth model means that the deceived populace suppresses most dissent itself.

this means of the few individuals who are skeptical, or find themselves questioning the enforced spheroid earth theory to any degree, the majority of this already small number will not allow themselves to expand or share their notions.

as the various characters here demonstrate there is never a shortage of outraged orthodoxy loyalists, with of course their chosen passages of doctrine and dogma generated for just such purposes, to express their despair at the failure of absolutely everyone to believe the same thing.

the illusion of freedom of thought created by the provision of multiple predesignated approved 'camps' of thought, to choose from and subscribe to, is even absent in regard to this, earth model, subject.

the actual number of individuals who must be aware of a deception taking place at all is very low, in the hundreds at any given point in time.

of these the vast majority will be ignorant of the nature of the deception in which they participate.

the use of secrecy in the name of security, the innumerable levels and types of security clearances, compartmentalization and the need to know policies and procedures are designed to allow the very highest echelons of
global hierarchy to command and control vast numbers of people with the very smallest number required to be even partly aware of the overall goal or agenda their actions serve.

there are not tens, or hundreds, of thousands of 'in the know' people.

the closer to the hubs of the distributors of the propaganda the greater the control and need for zealous adherence to the fundamentalist version of events.

in the instance of the general spheroid earth enforcement agenda, obviously nasa and their handful of satellite (tee hee) agencies are key central figures.

the illusion of multiple sources is trimmed significantly when the number of 'research' and 'experimental' projects derive their entire input of data from nasa.

and even within nasa or jpl or esa, i would be surprised if less than 99% emphatically believe in the veracity and honesty of their employer and their endeavors.

and of the 1% who are aware of some manipulation most will believe they are doing the right thing, aiding their employer, and their country, by helping to smooth over some hitch that prevents the claimed events successful completion.

the asstronuts are obviously aware they are not going into space.

the disappointment must be immense, the hoops that must be jumped through, the lottery odds of being chosen for a 'space mission', months of training, then the bad news why the trip must be cancelled 'this time'.

but hey, maybe all that time need not be wasted.

would they, the eager asstronots, like to help keep the space program on track? now would be a bad time to admit we failed, the terrorists/communists/koreans/canadians/french will mock us and infer weakness and such.

and so the intrepid space men and women find themselves participating in the surreal spectacles that are produced, probably with the promises and threats deemed necessary still ringing in their ears as the details of the fix are explained.

justifiable, they think, 'this one time'.

and maybe the next time, if their employers and compatriots are still in need, and they will be.

the rest of the pantomime cast are true-believers, blissfully unaware, just regurgitating the piece-meal fed to them. earnest, tenacious as only the genuine advocate can be.

brings to mind most of the exasperated desperate confused orthodoxy promoters here, unable to grasp how anyone can fail to see; the numbers, the space pictures, the sun and moon, the spherical truth.

it is the practice of freedom of thought.



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Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2013, 11:37:30 PM »
Nice bit of rhetoric, happily it is backed by exactly zero evidence.

Just how are those 99% that are not "in on it", that are not just sheep unquestioningly believing the evening news and then forgetting about it as they go about their days, they work inside the industry! Surely someone in this vast group of people has a little brains and the integrity to blow the lid off? And why would rival agencies in countries that don't have any reason to support each other's stories go along with it?
Giess what? I am a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic who knows nothing... See what I'm getting at here?


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2013, 11:52:40 PM »
1. Richard Branson's SpaceShipOne/Two did not go into space or achieve earth orbit.

2. Lockheed Martin, Northroop Gruman, Boeing, etc. aren't entirely private companies. They are what are known as public-private companies called government contractors, controlled by the government at all levels. That's why they can work on government research bases, under guard of the military, and why their employees can hold secret clearances.

Although Lockheed Martin may make a profit from their government contracts, the government civil servants control what the contractors work on and how it is done. Most of the time these contractors operate as little more than temp agencies, who recruit people off of Monster to work on government bases, under the direction of government managers.

In fact, the practice of using these government contractors is so vast that the only people who actually work for the government are managers, military, and security. There is no such thing as a NASA engineer. The engineers who made Apollo were all contractors for public-private government contracting entities. The DOD, NOAA, DHS, DOE, and all other government departments operates the same way. All of the engineers are contractors.

Very few people who work for the government actually receive a paycheck from the government. It's done this way under a congressional mandate that government entities get the best price by occasionally putting the contract up for bid and letting contractors race profits to the bottom.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 12:09:30 AM by Tom Bishop »

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2013, 12:07:25 AM »
Can we at least start with adding SpaceX to the list?


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2013, 12:10:00 AM »
Can we at least start with adding SpaceX to the list?

See #2 in my previous post.

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2013, 01:53:35 AM »
Nice bit of rhetoric, happily it is backed by exactly zero evidence.

Just how are those 99% that are not "in on it", that are not just sheep unquestioningly believing the evening news and then forgetting about it as they go about their days, they work inside the industry! Surely someone in this vast group of people has a little brains and the integrity to blow the lid off? And why would rival agencies in countries that don't have any reason to support each other's stories go along with it?

there is evidence in your reply, showing you do not comprehend the scenario i described.

if you actually want to understand the idea read again, or just ponder what it is those 'not in on it' would be required to forget when they leave the office.

forget that they are unaware.

have you forgotten you are unaware?

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2013, 02:00:18 AM »
I don't see how this should exclude it or others from being part of the conspiracy.  They are intimately involved with the launch of their own spacecraft, and have even announced plans for a commercial-only launchpad.

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2013, 02:03:19 AM »
Any company that organises inter continental travel. Iv Australia to South America
America Australia so on and so forth using ships and aircraft.

Any organisation that travels to and around Antarctica by land air or sea

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2013, 02:10:43 AM »
Any company that organises inter continental travel. Iv Australia to South America
America Australia so on and so forth using ships and aircraft.

Any organisation that travels to and around Antarctica by land air or sea

could you give an example or two of the organisations that travel around Antarctica, as i recall looking for just such a thing without success.


Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2013, 04:28:03 AM »
indeed i can. i takes a bit of digging but hear it is

in regards to circumnavigation
 circumnavigation has be done on many occasions by sea.

antarctic cup
sea Shepard operate all over the antarctic coast

one example land crossings from one side to the other

Rune Gjeldnes
a Norwegian, successfully completed the longest trans-Antarctic crossing--2988 miles. On 3 November he was landed at the Russian Novolasarevskaja station on the coast of Queen Maud Land, and he set out on the sixth. He's crossing the continent via Troll and Pole, to Terra Nova Bay--descending the Priestley Glacier. He arrived at Pole early on 21 December and only rested one day before continuing on. He reached Terra Nova on 3 February after a struggle with crevasse fields--he is now the first person to cross both poles unsupported (he did an Arctic crossing in 2000).

 a few organisations that operate and navigate in Antarctica

private tour operators

all these people organisations and researchers can tell the difference between this

Uploaded with

Uploaded with

and this


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2013, 07:13:49 AM »
How do we know they went the whole way around Antarctica?

They may have traveled the requisite distance along the coast and then turned Northwards towards safer waters, believing that they had just circled Antarctica. In the Antarctic Cup the racers can't even see the coastline, let alone verify that they went the entire distance around.

When life expectancy is a few minutes after going overboard, I somehow doubt these people are doing much verification at those latitudes.

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2013, 07:28:05 AM »
How do we know they went the whole way around Antarctica?

They may have traveled the requisite distance along the coast and then turned Northwards towards safer waters, believing that they had just circled Antarctica. In the Antarctic Cup the racers can't even see the coastline, let alone verify that they went the entire distance around.

When life expectancy is a few minutes after going overboard, I somehow doubt these people are doing much verification at those latitudes.
And your evidence is?



  • 113
  • Me and Mully
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2013, 07:30:32 AM »
Let's not derail the thread. This is about companies and organizations that should, theoretically, be involved in the Conspiracy.

Here's a list of companies involved in aerospace. Obviously, not a complete one.

- EADS (European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company), including Astrium Satellite and Arianespace, responsible for the Ariane space launchers. France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom.
- Eurockot Launch Services, commercial space launch company. EADS and Russia.
- RSC Energia, responsible for the Russian element of the ISS, responsible for personnel transfer and resupply of the ISS. Russia.
- Thales Alenia Space, involved in satellite building and modules for the ISS. Italy, France.
- Finmeccanica, major European space contractor, owner with Thales of Telespazio. Italy.
- OHB-System, involved in satellite building and modules for the ISS; contractor for the Galileo (European GPS equivalent). Germany.
- Surrey Satellite Technology, satellite design and construction; contractor for the Galileo (European GPS equivalent). United Kingdom.
- Information Satellite Systems, primary developer of the GLONASS (Russian GPS equivalent). Russia.
- AMSAT, amateur radio satellite company and space education promoter. Japan, Germany, USA, Canada.
- BAE Systems, major European defense and aerospace contractor. United Kingdom.
- China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, primary contractor of the Chinese space program. China.
- Israel Aerospace Industries. Primary defense contractor for Israel. Satellites, launchers. Israel.
- Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries. Space launchers, solid rocket boosters. Japan.
- Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center. Responsible for design and production of space launchers for military and civilian purposes, including Proton and Angara rocketsRussia.
- Mistubishi Heavy Industries, primary space launch contractor for JAXA, involved in the ISS. Japan.
- NPO Lavochiking, design bureau for rocketry and spacecraft, including interplanetary probes. Russia.
- Turkish Aerospace Industries, satellite development and production. Turkey.
- TsSKB-Progress, developer and manufacturer of the Soyuz launcher family. Russia.
- PA Yuzhmash, space launchers and rocket engines. Ukraine.
- INVAP, satellite and space technologies contractor. Argentina.
- RUAG Space, satellite and launch vehicle subsystems. Switzerland.
- ISC Kosmotras, commercial space launches. Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan.
- Snecma, engine manufacturer for Ariane launchers. France.
- Sea Launch, commercial space launchces. Russia, USA, Ukraine, Norway.
- Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace, space hardware design and manufacture. Norway.
- Korea Aerospace Industries, satellite design and manufacture. South Korea.
- Magellan Aerospace, contractor for satellite and rocket subsystems. Canada.
- MDA, major space contractor, including ISS components. Canada.

This is even before adding exclusively (or majority) American companies. Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Orbital Sciences, Ball Aerospace, SpaceX, SpaceDev, Aerojet.
I don't want to believe.

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2013, 07:49:56 AM »
Red Bull Stratos?

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2013, 08:12:11 AM »
So it looks like SpaceX is definitely one that should be part of the conspiracy, having claimed to have run several "resupply" "missions" up to the ISS.  You can read their lies on their website:



  • 113
  • Me and Mully
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #19 on: April 08, 2013, 08:27:35 AM »
So it looks like SpaceX is definitely one that should be part of the conspiracy, having claimed to have run several "resupply" "missions" up to the ISS.  You can read their lies on their website:

Yeah. If the Conspiracy is real, SpaceX would have to be part of it.
I don't want to believe.

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2013, 08:33:36 AM »
How do we know they went the whole way around Antarctica?

They may have traveled the requisite distance along the coast and then turned Northwards towards safer waters, believing that they had just circled Antarctica. In the Antarctic Cup the racers can't even see the coastline, let alone verify that they went the entire distance around.

lol tom what a stupid comment to make.

with no scale to go of the FE map this is a estimate. they start and finish at the same point. so lets assume they leave Australia like Fedor Konyukhov did.

they travel the rout needed. CHECKING THEIR LOCATION THE WHOLE WAY  then turn north to head back to Australia after completing the race of 16,356  nautical miles turning north and reaching Australia again. iv drawn on a map the problem with what you are comically trying to suggest tom.

Uploaded with

he might struggle to get back to Australia by heading north after travailing 16,356 nautical miles on your map tom. don't you think?

note as FE have no scale on their map (lol) i have had to estimate the red line length on your map.


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2013, 09:40:19 AM »
How do we know they went the whole way around Antarctica?

They may have traveled the requisite distance along the coast and then turned Northwards towards safer waters, believing that they had just circled Antarctica. In the Antarctic Cup the racers can't even see the coastline, let alone verify that they went the entire distance around.

lol tom what a stupid comment to make.

with no scale to go of the FE map this is a estimate. they start and finish at the same point. so lets assume they leave Australia like Fedor Konyukhov did.

they travel the rout needed. CHECKING THEIR LOCATION THE WHOLE WAY  then turn north to head back to Australia after completing the race of 16,356  nautical miles turning north and reaching Australia again. iv drawn on a map the problem with what you are comically trying to suggest tom.

Uploaded with

he might struggle to get back to Australia by heading north after travailing 16,356 nautical miles on your map tom. don't you think?

note as FE have no scale on their map (lol) i have had to estimate the red line length on your map.

Yes, that diagram depicts somewhat what I am suggesting. When the ships travel back northwards and check their longitude they find that they are still somewhat near Australia, and head back that way, claiming to all that they just "circumnavigated" the Antarctic coast.

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2013, 09:43:02 AM »
to get back to Australia from that point they would need to travel another 16000 nautical miles north west. are you trying to say they don't notice having to travel back 16,ooo nautical miles in the wrong direction to get back north?



  • 417
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Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2013, 10:20:35 AM »
And don't forget the astronomers. They are millions, and live in every place on Earth except the poles. Almost every one is independent from NASA, and millions are not even members of a scientific society. They would have to be in on the Conspiracy because the alternative is that they all are ignorant fools.

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2013, 10:22:14 AM »
There are plenty of threads here for discussing the problems with FE maps (specifically one where I demonstrate that any FE map must be wrong, which is in need of attention).  Let's try not to stray too far off topic.   ;)  Remember, there's a conspiracy afoot that needs further unmasking.

Regarding the CMB investigation to Antarctica, that would have most definitely been using some form of GPS technology (GPS manufacturers are all liars too!), or at the very least a compass.  Unless they were completely incompetent, they probably would have realised that they couldn't actually go all the way around Antarctica and end up back where they started.  Therefore they are lying.

SpaceX is among the most obvious conspirators that you don't need a map to demonstrate, however.  It's currently the elephant in the room, with many more waiting in line outside.  NASA gave them a bunch of money for them to allegedly launch their own spacecraft from their own launchpad using their own mission control to diagnose and fix their own problems to eventually guide it into a dock with the fictional ISS.

Let's focus on unmasking SpaceX first, since they're essentially the most publicly known spacefaking organisations, apart from NASA.  They've even announced plans for a commercial-only launchpad.  A very clever move in my opinion, especially if they actually succeed in getting it up and running, since it makes the conspiracy almost impossible to believe, since anyone that wants a satellite launched would know immediately that their satellite is not actually in orbit.  The perfect distraction.

If NASA is lying, then so is SpaceX.

Edit: shoot, we should get badges or something and form a conspiracy exposing squad.  Based on the list we generated, it sounds like it should be a full-time job.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 10:47:47 AM by Levi Dettwyler »

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2013, 10:25:32 AM »
 all gelogists especialy ones who specilise in seismic tomography


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2013, 11:17:49 AM »
to get back to Australia from that point they would need to travel another 16000 nautical miles north west. are you trying to say they don't notice having to travel back 16,ooo nautical miles in the wrong direction to get back north?

I believe the race ends in the middle of the ocean. It is unclear whether the racers return to Australia or the northern countries from which they came to celebrate their journeys. If they traveled North to North America, for example, they would notice no distortion at all, since the FE map does not warp North-South distances. If they traveled East-West they yes, they would notice a significant delay.

But the delay would be justified in their heads to water currents, wind currents, or a whole fancy of other phenomena RE'ers naturally use in denial.

There are plenty of threads here for discussing the problems with FE maps (specifically one where I demonstrate that any FE map must be wrong, which is in need of attention).  Let's try not to stray too far off topic.   ;)  Remember, there's a conspiracy afoot that needs further unmasking.

Regarding the CMB investigation to Antarctica, that would have most definitely been using some form of GPS technology (GPS manufacturers are all liars too!), or at the very least a compass.  Unless they were completely incompetent, they probably would have realised that they couldn't actually go all the way around Antarctica and end up back where they started.  Therefore they are lying.

SpaceX is among the most obvious conspirators that you don't need a map to demonstrate, however.  It's currently the elephant in the room, with many more waiting in line outside.  NASA gave them a bunch of money for them to allegedly launch their own spacecraft from their own launchpad using their own mission control to diagnose and fix their own problems to eventually guide it into a dock with the fictional ISS.

Let's focus on unmasking SpaceX first, since they're essentially the most publicly known spacefaking organisations, apart from NASA.  They've even announced plans for a commercial-only launchpad.  A very clever move in my opinion, especially if they actually succeed in getting it up and running, since it makes the conspiracy almost impossible to believe, since anyone that wants a satellite launched would know immediately that their satellite is not actually in orbit.  The perfect distraction.

If NASA is lying, then so is SpaceX.

Edit: shoot, we should get badges or something and form a conspiracy exposing squad.  Based on the list we generated, it sounds like it should be a full-time job.

As I implied on the previous page, government contractors are basically government agencies who operate for-profit. The government controls the management of the project at all levels. SpaceX operates in several government facilities, which should tell you something.

These contracting companies are started by the heads in the government themselves for reasons of liability, cost, and deniability. Do you think some entrepreneur invested billions of dollars in a rocket company in hopes of selling services to NASA? No way. That's a pretty big gamble that NASA would choose you over the Russians or some other Aerospace company, or decide keep their rocket program altogether.

What happened was that SpaceX was started with assistance of the government to transition NASA's rocket program into "private" hands. This decision was made as a direct response to the Columbia disaster. If the government seems to be outsourcing services to another entity they can point their fingers and say that the calamity was the fault of the contractor. The fact that the contractor is building on their facilities under their direct supervision is unmentioned and unimportant. The DOD uses such excuses all the time when people are killed in ammunition production facilities.

This is part of the reason why government contractors exist. Another reason is that it's much easier to fire workers who don't work for the government. If you're a government employee it's nearly impossible to fire you unless you've done something extreme. The federal government obligates agencies to find alternative positions for civil servants, even if they may be unqualified.

Finally, private companies are perceived to others as more efficient than slow government. The agencies occasionally puts the contract up for bid among other government contractors and tells Congress they are getting the best price and operating efficiently. If you're working on a government contract and another government contractor wins the contract, you don't get fired. You get hired on by the new contractor and keep your job duties and government office. Your check merely has another company name on it.

This has been going for so long now that Congress has a mandate that these government contractors must exist and that government agencies can only directly hire a few types of positions (ie. Management, Security, Military Pilots).
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 01:22:15 PM by Tom Bishop »

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2013, 12:11:30 PM »

As I implied on the previous page, government contractors are basically government agencies who operate for-profit. The government controls the management of the project at all levels. SpaceX operates in several government facilities, which should tell you something.

These contracting companies are started by the heads in the government themselves for reasons of liability, cost, and deniability. Do you think some entrepreneur invested billions of dollars in a rocket company in hopes of selling services to NASA? No way. That's a pretty big gamble that NASA would choose you over the Russians or some other Aerospace company, or decide keep their rocket program altogether.

What happened was that SpaceX was started with assistance of the government to transition NASA's rocket program into "private" hands. This decision was made as a direct response to the Columbia disaster. If the government seems to be outsourcing services to another entity they can point their fingers and say that the calamity was the fault of the contractor. The fact that the contractor is building on their facilities under their direct supervision is unmentioned and unimportant. The DOD uses such excuses all the time when people are killed in ammunition production facilities.

This is is part of the reason why government contractors exist. Another reason is that it's much easier to fire workers who don't work for the government. If you're a government employee it's nearly impossible to fire you unless you've done something extreme. The federal government obligates agencies to find alternative positions for civil servants, and basically accept that they may be unqualified in other positions.

Finally, private companies are perceived to others as more efficient than slow government. The agencies occasionally puts the contract for bid among other government contractors and tells Congress they are getting the best price and operating efficiently. And, if you're on a government contract and another government contractor wins the contract, you don't get fired. You get hired on by the new contractor, keep your job duties and government office, and your check merely has another company name on it.

This has been going for so long now that Congress has a mandate that these government contractors must exist and that government agencies can only directly hire a few types of positions (ie. Management, Security, Military Pilots).

It sounds like you're agreeing with me.  Like you said: "Do you think some entrepreneur invested billions of dollars in a rocket company in hopes of selling services to NASA? No way."  This means Elon Musk and SpaceX are LYING, and thus, as you so eloquently put, part of the conspiracy.  Look at this twitter message:

Elon Musk and SpaceX must be part of the conspiracy, according to the FE hypothesis.  You seem to be agreeing with me.  So when does this get put on the wiki?
« Last Edit: April 08, 2013, 12:13:12 PM by Levi Dettwyler »


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2013, 01:07:51 PM »
It sounds like you're agreeing with me.  Like you said: "Do you think some entrepreneur invested billions of dollars in a rocket company in hopes of selling services to NASA? No way."  This means Elon Musk and SpaceX are LYING, and thus, as you so eloquently put, part of the conspiracy.  Look at this twitter message:

Elon Musk and SpaceX must be part of the conspiracy, according to the FE hypothesis.  You seem to be agreeing with me.  So when does this get put on the wiki?

It's not so much that SpaceX, Lockheed, Grumman, etc. are part of the conspiracy, so much as they ARE the conspiracy. NASA literally would not exist without them. The only people who work for NASA are Managers, Security Personnel, and some Pilots. There is no such thing as a NASA Engineer. There is no such thing as a NASA Data Tech. There is no such thing as a NASA Flight Mechanic. All of that is done through government contractors, entities which the government agencies set up themselves for reasons of liability/bureaucracy.

The government partnered with Elon Musk to give SpaceX more credibility. Musk's SpaceX management team may play a part in negotiating contract rates and searching for people on monster to send to the government for interviews, but as far as actually managing space technology, that is the government's venue. SpaceX is just like any other government contractor. As an engineer you wake up, drive into the government research facility, and do what your government managers tell you to do, perhaps working on a single small component which is eventually passed off to another team. Every two weeks you get a check from "SpaceX". A few years ago that name on your check might have been "Lockheed Martin" or "Northrop Grumman Corporation".

Re: How many organizations are lying? (or: it's time to update the wiki)
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2013, 01:19:28 PM »
It sounds like you're agreeing with me.  Like you said: "Do you think some entrepreneur invested billions of dollars in a rocket company in hopes of selling services to NASA? No way."  This means Elon Musk and SpaceX are LYING, and thus, as you so eloquently put, part of the conspiracy.  Look at this twitter message:

Elon Musk and SpaceX must be part of the conspiracy, according to the FE hypothesis.  You seem to be agreeing with me.  So when does this get put on the wiki?

It's not so much that SpaceX, Lockheed, Grumman, etc. are part of the conspiracy, so much as they ARE the conspiracy. NASA literally would not exist without them. The only people who work for NASA are Managers, Security Personnel, and some Pilots. There is no such thing as a NASA Engineer. There is no such thing as a NASA Data Tech. There is no such thing as a NASA Flight Mechanic. All of that is done through government contractors, entities which the government agencies set up themselves for reasons of liability/bureaucracy.

The government partnered with Elon Musk to give SpaceX more credibility. Musk's SpaceX management team may play a part in negotiating contract rates and searching for people on monster to send to the government for interviews, but as far as actually managing space technology, that is the government's venue. SpaceX is just like any other government contractor. As an engineer you wake up, drive into the government research facility, and do what your government managers tell you to do, perhaps working on a single small component which is eventually passed off to another team. Every two weeks you get a check from "SpaceX". A few years ago that name on your check might have been "Lockheed Martin" or "Northrop Grumman Corporation".
You do realize most of SpaceX's engineers are in California? And work at the large SpaceX facility there?